Live Stoners Hello Everyone, I'm Growing Autos NE UK

May 19, 2016
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HI, I'm growing autos and thought I'd share a little. I started out last year around crimbo with regular seeds (Critical Skunk) and had a lot of problems trying to keep good temp/humidity range. I ended up with one female and it hermied so I then decided to grow autos to make up for lost time, as it were.

I did some Autopilot XXL and got some nice smoke in the end but I had a problem with overreacting to some orange spots on the leaves and accidently going crazy with nutes/cal mag. In the end I had about 3 oz of dry in 3 distinct grades of quality lol. But the nice stuff is nice, trust me I may be a noob grower but I'm a connoisseur smoker. Autopilot XXL.jpg

So, moving on then, I am onto my next grow now and I'm doing Northern Light x Big Bud AUTO from World of Seeds. I started in Root Riots (after 24 hours in a glass of mineral water) and then straight into 11L pots of a 3 parts Plant Magic Soil Supreme to one part perlite mix.

I'm now at 20 days from sprouting and They're in a 1.2 x 1.2 under a 600watt Sunmaster Dual spec HPS. Now I had the last lot under a Sylvania and I was advised that Sunmaster are better. I'm hoping the new bulb and the airy-er soil mix, coupled with learning from my previous mistakes should yield better results.

Also worth a mention: I'm doing a little experiment this time with 4 plants getting tap water (left standing) and 2 plants getting bottled water (tescos own and highland spring, just whatever really) I'm seeing some really clear results from the experiment. The tap water is actually triumphing over the bottled. I can put up pics and discuss this stuff in detail if anyone is interested.

I'm sticking up some pics of my current grow and one of the better Autopilots I did. Hopefully I can share about the things I have learned already and learn even more. I am interested to know more about nutes. I have the PM old timer Grow/Bloom and PM MagneCal plus. I must say on this grow so far (20 days in) I haven't used any nutes yet and the plants are looking really healthy. I'm very wary of overfeeding now. seeds.jpg nlxbb01.jpg nlxbb.jpg nlxbb02.jpg
Cool avatar gchase !

I know you will dial it in soon, Auto's can be very forgiving, happy growing my friend.....eP
Update: The NLXBB auto reached a nice size but froze in pre flower and wouldn't bloom. I'm setting up for my next attempt, going to use a more complete custom soil mix and I'm going to try Fast Buds seeds. I'm thinking G14 and Gorilla Glue.
Welcome mate you pick a good site to join full of knowledgable and helpful people good luck with your grows mate there looking solid good work