Hecno's on going organics

Hecno, looking great the girls mate, nice frosty and healthy, have to do the organic home some day ! Your daughter is brave, those wild boars get huge, seem a few in the Northern Tabelands NSW on instagram. Love your shroom art also mate :woohoo1: :pass: nice music also, also like Prince Purple Rain
Just perfect mate, building the soil and growing fabulous buds like that is a skill, proper craftsman skill.
Congrats on the new job, they are very lucky to have you but be careful not to reveal your true talent on their grounds! Don't dip your pen in the Company ink, and don't grow your bud on the Company soil :)
How does wild hog taste?
Going down on the weekend , which will make them around day 75 . The big one will be all cloudy and it will be my day time smoke . :thumbsup:
Mother nature is rebelling .She can come back with our help.We have to get the head out of our collective assholes.Its not to late if we get rid of these m/f that are denying there is an issue.Good one hec.Stunning plants bro.Peace please