Hecno's on going organics

Full sun on the out door girls about 6 hours - but will be a bit more soon as some big trees are ready to drop there leafs .
Ah, that's what you said, I thought a tree or two came down for some reason,...:baked: .... for only 6 hours of Sun, that's doing very well! Can you imagine what they would be like in full Sun, unrestricted in pots? :growing: hang a hammock mate! :growing:
Yep I can . too bloody big :biggrin: Here is the same strain . The bloke grow these sent me the seeds . @Waira
:drool: :bravo: bloody superb mate = :d5: Your "killin' it" spree continues! What a pair these two made, your hand crafted soil and the HPG Tobe genetics :bow: ...talk up the aroma more Hec', any variations in their perfume? .... Buds are perfect, sugar dipped, nicely dense and meaty, lovely colors, great bud:leaf.... :greenthumb:... yields are also damn good! I have got to get me summa deezzz,...:pimp:

:spels: Laotian dragon ladies are just plain hot-hot-hot! I'm in love with her body - :rofl: - the leaves, those super long lean fingers, large spread and the whole flat straight posture from petioles to tips! Their buds are forming up well mate, how much actual Sun are they getting now?

:smoking: OK mate, I had a super cool encounter today while taking a little walk.... I ran across a rare find, only a few times in my life! A very secretive little gem, a Ring Neck Snake.... Tiny, gentle, a little squirrely at first but it calmed down after a bit.... pardon the post pics blow up, but the large size shows best!

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what a little beauty, I like knot around your finger!
Nice plants bud,I am looking for a couple of cobs for my next grow.We had a bad storm my t5 got zapped with lighting,and is fried.I had to take shelter in my hallway the tornado was bearing down my little house and farm.The tornado went just east of us and we were saved.The storm tore up several of the orchard,s a few mile away.About 300 Pecan trees were destroyed in the process.I hate those M/F.That,s north texas in the spring.I should have gotten a pic of the fucker but my mind was not in that mode.LOL
whew!, man, white knuckle time, dodged the "train":pass:
@Autotron 450 watt cobs , 9 at 50 watt each --75 watts per plant -- ,3590 cree , For flowering I have them 18 in above plant . The 3590 gives me all I need
But I also used co2 , Home made using sugar and yeast . Which I have worked out now - volume wise - :thumbsup:

Right on bro, you're a master at your craft. I've got one of @BigSm0 AutoCOB(roughly the same specs as a single one of yours) in my 4' x 4' tent along with my 400w HPS. I appreciate being able to move it around so easily and position it around the tent to supplement the varying plants I have in different stages in my tent. I've been keeping it around the same level as you too, but it seemed like a lot of folks on here run them higher. Their plants always look way stretched with big internodal space. Your plants look tight AF brotha!
Day 12 , @nbbeerguy c99a x (Orange Assault x Bluetooth x Blackberry Gum) I'll let all mate fill in the details . I have 6 reg going , I am hoping for 2 maybe 3 , as I want to grow them to there max and with 2 females they will get plenty of light . @tobe @Waira you guys might be interested in this . The other 2 are from Autoseeds.com as a test grow . we will see about these , all I will say for now is I am not very impressed .

The outdoor girls , Lao Mango . I did have a Sulfur issue , but that is sorted now . Lots of rain around at the moment due to a cyclone in the area . Which makes me glad they are a long flowering strain -- 14 weeks -- :biggrin: I recon I have about 10 weeks to go , or there about's . :thumbsup:
