Hecno and son .

:stir: I know I said I don't make teas , but I do . This one is for the veggie garden , Horse manure based and the manure has age on it so the nitrogen is there in very small amounts , The main aim is for the microbes , other inputs are -- liquid seaweed - Liquid bat guano - molasses - sea minerals - humic acid - and a hand full of soil from different spots and I have a big air pump and a home made aerator , nothing flash but it works .
@created2live4ever Nothing hard about making teas mates , you can make it hard or simple up to you :thumbsup:

!5 hours so far .



I will strain the brew and what is left will go to the worms , they love it :thumbsup:

Waira , here is the split one and Chicken Taj Mahal is done . No more snakes hopefully :nono:

Just have to get more chickens , :biggrin:
24 hours later , :thumbsup:

here it is filtered , I then break it down with 50 % water . No bad smells just a nice earthy smell

now the worms love this stuff , so in the worm bin it goes .

There ya go easy , you can mix and match what ever you like for what stage your plant is at . have fun making some . :biggrin:
The day has come . The lads first Auto , I gave him advise along the way and he used some of his own ideas , as we do , He will get 2 1/2 ounces dried off it . @The_Skunkist Fighting Gorilla is a knock out , after a long cure it is devastating , I smoked a joint and good night Irene . :dizzy:
I do prefer the Mazar Fakar At least I can get things done . :biggrin: any way here is the boys plant .

again beautiful bud structure and very little pop corn buds as you can see . He did do a good job trimming and the best thing about this grow he owed me a ounce :woohoo1: Hecno's super soil is not cheap .:smoking: Now check this out , I had ago at making a concrete garden pot for the first time .We will see how it turns out as time goes by .

Now I am going to spin a yarn . This next photos I spend siting watching them , -- and hearing them -- At the end of a hard day there is no better place to be Its warm , the birds are singing ,chickens and dogs , can't forget the cat , horses --- What isolation ---

This is all organic You no the best bit , my sons are learning .:thumbsup:
The day has come . The lads first Auto , I gave him advise along the way and he used some of his own ideas , as we do , He will get 2 1/2 ounces dried off it . @The_Skunkist Fighting Gorilla is a knock out , after a long cure it is devastating , I smoked a joint and good night Irene . :dizzy:
I do prefer the Mazar Fakar At least I can get things done . :biggrin: any way here is the boys plant . View attachment 1188860View attachment 1188861View attachment 1188862View attachment 1188863View attachment 1188864View attachment 1188865
again beautiful bud structure and very little pop corn buds as you can see . He did do a good job trimming and the best thing about this grow he owed me a ounce :woohoo1: Hecno's super soil is not cheap .:smoking: Now check this out , I had ago at making a concrete garden pot for the first time .We will see how it turns out as time goes by .
View attachment 1188868
Now I am going to spin a yarn . This next photos I spend siting watching them , -- and hearing them -- At the end of a hard day there is no better place to be Its warm , the birds are singing ,chickens and dogs , can't forget the cat , horses --- What isolation --- View attachment 1188869View attachment 1188870View attachment 1188871
This is all organic You no the best bit , my sons are learning .:thumbsup:

:clapper: gratz to the boy & it def lookz peaceful there :zen: ppp
awesome post @hecno :d5:
The son's first plant is great:woohoo1: I liked his "hard"lst, and good to hear on the smoke :smoking:
Beautiful garden pics always :thumbsup:
And the concrete pot is pretty cool, I hope it cures right and works out buddy, going to paint it?
I always appreciate a tour of the garden Hec, peaceful indeed, nice to see first thing in the morn. :thumbsup: ..And fine result from the boys first :woohoo:
Do you know frogs are very important environmental indicators . We are being warned , but we are to dumb to listen .
Frogs are bioindicators
Most frogs require suitable habitat in both the terrestrial and aquatic environments, and have permeable skin that can easily absorb toxic chemicals. These traits make frogs especially susceptible to environmental disturbances, and thus frogs are considered accurate indicators of environmental stress: the health of frogs is thought to be indicative of the health of the biosphere as a whole. Frogs have survived in more or less their current form for 250 million years, having survived countless ice ages, asteroid crashes, and other environmental disturbances, yet now one-third of amphibian species are on the verge of extinction. This should serve as an alarm call to humans that something is drastically wrong in the environment.

An ecological indicator they are
The most accurate so far
Pollution, destruction and disease
We need to hear their pleas

Bit of a garden update . The 3 years I have but into the soil is starting to pay off , so far I have only used fish pond water and molasses with teas . Still early days yet and I will be adding more plants as time goes by , more of a follow along thing . Companion planting is where I am heading too .And how about some tomato plant picks guys , I have identified 2 flowers on 2 different plants that look real good . :biggrin:

Now the sons side , Silly bugger has no idea of companion planting , I tried to tell him , but he likes nice neat lines , I'm gonna hit him on the head with a big stick . :paleo: Bloody kids .

I found this fig tree at the dump , It is some sort of fig tree I have just not figured out which one yet , Here it is now and we will see what it looks like in 12 months time .

I like these 2 photos ,




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