Heavyweight Jackpot Auto and Strawberry Cake Photo - Day 14 (or less)
As mentioned above, I was out of town for 6 days.
But when I got back all was fine. The temps were up to the 20s C during that time.
But not much air flow in the area, the stems are a bit weak.
The family:
4 X Strawberry Cakes are the two on the left, top and bottom.
3 X Jackpots are the two on the right, top and bottom.
Jackpot Auto (about day 10 at a guess)
Top left plant has a weaker stem, was lying on the side of the pot last night.
I've propped her up with a chopstick and wire tag.
They're all about 8cm = 3" tall.
Strawberry Cake Photo (day 14 and less)
These are all looking very good.
The stems are straight up, and have a LOT of fine hairs on them.
The two larger Strawberry Cakes from the side.
These larger two are about 10cm = 4" tall.
The smaller two are about 8cm = 3" tall.
Under the cheap COB:
Under this rack are my hydro veges and herbs ---
Kale, red lettuce and rocket, and thai basil, marjoram.
That's why they are not directly in the middle.
Best to move them around to get light from all sides.
The 4 Strawberry cakes, larger behind.
Three Jackpots, larger behind.
Love and hugs,