Photoperiod Haze's eurogrow bubble gum and caramel. + free seed Dinafem auto mystery (completed)

Jun 8, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Nothing! Ran out
Hi guys! So I have a couple of things I'm working on now. Just coming to the end of my first auto/photo run.

For those that didn't follow along, I obtained a 4x4 tent with 600w HPS from a friend and all kit needed to run it. I used it to finish off a photoperiod plant but I believe the stress limited to the return. From severe heat to change of environment and light timing etc .

So Dinafem has hooked me up with a bunch of free seeds to do a sponsored grow, this was going to be my next grow but because there is a strong possibility of me moving house with in the end of this year/beginning next year, I want to wait until I have got through all of that to make sure nothing takes damages its success.

But why am I creating this thread then you ask?

Because I can't wait to move to start a grow! And I have collected a bunch of other free seeds that I somewhat care less about if something goes wrong.

So the line up stands at this...

2x Bubble Gum from Eurogrow
1x Caramel from Eurogrow
2x Mystery Seeds from Dinafem

I had requested Purple Orange CBD and Blue Kush from Dinafem, but with them came a bag marked as "Free Seeds" and there has not yet been any confirmation on what these seeds are... So only one way to find out!

Please come along for the ride, I am still a newbie, even more so now I have a tent as my previous were outdoor grows. But I am hoping to put everything I've learnt into this! Then any mistakes I make hopefully won't happen to the real Dinafem Grow that I will do after!
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So to begin with this is my set up I'll be using:

60 slot jiffy propogator with 2 luminaire Skywalker t5s from Eurogrow.


Carbon filter and extraction fan.
Secondary extraction fan for cool tube if it gets too hot but with no filter .

6" intractor fan, passive air intake on one side with air conditioner positioned in front of passive air intake to help keep temps down.

600w HPS for veg and bloom.

Grow medium:
Biobizz light mix 70%, Coco Coir 30%.
In 10l fabric smart pots

Biobizz Grow, Bloom, Algamic, Topmax.

This run I may do some light LST but I am interested to do nothing to see what mother nature intended. Also easier to guess what the mystery seeds are if left alone. Maybe late super cropping if plants get too tall compared to others, but rather than move the light I may elevate the smaller plants instead.
I put the seeds into the the jiffy pellets on the 5th of October. As of this morning I see 3 new baby plants jumping to life. One bubblegum, one caramel, and one Dinafem mystery!

So one of each... so far I'm happy!

Here's some pictures of my "life support box"



These were taken on day of planting the seeds. Since this happened 3 days ago, I have 3/5 seeds sprout. Maybe 5 by tonight!

So far lights have been on 24 hours. But If I can pick up another timer it will go to maybe 18 hours light. Air vents closed to keep it nice and humid in there.
I put the seeds into the the jiffy pellets on the 5th of October. As of this morning I see 3 new baby plants jumping to life. One bubblegum, one caramel, and one Dinafem mystery!

So one of each... so far I'm happy!

Here's some pictures of my "life support box"

View attachment 958678

View attachment 958679

These were taken on day of planting the seeds. Since this happened 3 days ago, I have 3/5 seeds sprout. Maybe 5 by tonight!

So far lights have been on 24 hours. But If I can pick up another timer it will go to maybe 18 hours light. Air vents closed to keep it nice and humid in there.

Looks like your all sorted for this adventure [emoji1303]

Looks like your all sorted for this adventure [emoji1303]

Oh yes ready and willing! I'm hoping for that first class A harvest! It will happen at some point, so I'm hoping this is the beginning of that!
Looking forward to riding along! You may need to get some munchies for all the stoners hanging out:headbang:
So we're off to a good start! 5/5 seeds sprouted. The caramel is a bit twisty but seems happy enough. Growing faster than I imagined!! Using proper branded jiffy pellets this time seems to be a better success than the cheap ones from the local garden center. Roots are already crawling out the bottom! Although these are smaller pellets than previous ones if used.

Okay guys, need your advice. The seedling seemed to have got super tall, I've never used this seedling box before so I didn't imagine the seeds would get all leggy like this. I would have thought 2 t5s were bright enough for seedlings!
Okay guys, need your advice. The seedling seemed to have got super tall, I've never used this seedling box before so I didn't imagine the seeds would get all leggy like this. I would have thought 2 t5s were bright enough for seedlings!

These lights are 9w 900lm 4500kw lamps. Had two plugged in but had a spare so I've thrown that on top too.
