New Grower Having a bash at last

Feb 19, 2022
Reaction score
Elo everyone :)

I've got a diary going in another forum too but I thought I'd join in here aswell. I've found some pretty good info here!

I'm a long time smoker but completely new to growing my own, like quite a few people these days! I spent a few months reading bits and bobs ready to go.

Just going into week 5 now, latest photos from last week. Sweet seeds +speed autos.

I had a bit of a scare with them being over fed but I think it's not caused much harm.

Using a 1.2x1.2x2m tent
600w hps (250w, then 400w before changing to 600w at week 4)
Coco using canna Coco a+b , rhizotonic
AC infinity 6" extraction and rhino pro carbon filter

Started feeding with 1ml/l a+b 3ml/l rhizotonic which came out to 0.6ec
Progressed week later to 0.8ec, went up in .2 increments now at 1.2

Think they look ok so far, had some issue with spots that turned out to be from the water marking them. I was also concerned about the yellowing tips but they've grown out fine since


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Welcome @Rolio to the best canna forum on the web… period! I was on another site and everyone is “abrasive” like everyone is supposed to know what they are doing. So I dropped that when I found this place and never looked back. We have bonuses! Doc a grow start to finish and submit to mods then you’ll get into the cultivators club. There is where the fun begins… testing new genetics and indoor/ outdoor comps with prizes.
@Rolio :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: She does look like she has been on a rich diet :rofl:. You will get better results using all of the Canna products on their Light schedule. The max PPM for nutrients IMPE with Autos is ~650. Canna's goes to 805 PPM.

Doc a grow start to finish and submit to mods then you’ll get into the cultivators club. There is where the fun begins… testing new genetics and indoor/ outdoor comps with prizes.

Thanks mate, I've not spotted that yet :) I'm an easy going person, I get along with most people.. even on the internet

@Rolio :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: She does look like she has been on a rich diet :rofl:. You will get better results using all of the Canna products on their Light schedule. The max PPM for nutrients IMPE with Autos is ~650. Canna's goes to 805 PPM.


Cheers! The reason I'm not following the canna schedule is because from what I gathered it can be a bit hot?

The overfeed was 4ml/l instead of 2ml/l at the time! I remidied it by dropping feed back to 1.0ec. I've been advised to go by EC instead of following the schedule. It seems to work for the people who have been chipping in elsewhere :)

I'm all ears for suggestions though of course! Every day is a learning day
Just going into week 5ish since they popped out the Coco

I'm assuming the tip burn is from being too close to the light, it's only on the tallest plant and they all get the same feed.

EC 1.5
Temps 25-32
Humidity 60-80%

Hello that is tip burn to much nutes not light burn just means over fed a bit when i get to that stage i just dial fed back a bit :smoking: :smoking:

Nice one, it's strange that it's just on the one plant, you can also see it on the new growth in my original post which is the same plant a little younger.

They all receive exactly the same nutes so it seems a bit weird. Any reason it would just be the one plant? It's also the biggest of the 5
Nice one, it's strange that it's just on the one plant, you can also see it on the new growth in my original post which is the same plant a little younger.

They all receive exactly the same nutes so it seems a bit weird. Any reason it would just be the one plant? It's also the biggest of the 5
Hello each seed is slighty different in some way not like if they where clones its just that some plants require more than others its just the way it is