Harvest & Curing Harvest?

May 25, 2019
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Currently Smoking
I'm thinking about cutting down the blueberry and pineapple gum, what's everyone's thoughts, could really use some input I dont wanna ruin it so late in the game.


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I cut two Fastberry's down today that had nearly 75% white pistils. I cut some leaves off of buds and had mostly cloudy trichomes with around 10% amber. Mine probably would have easily gone another week but I grew them outside and the weather is turning cold and rainy and my tent inside is full and one of the plants I cut had some aphids on it so I just decided to cut the two and get drying. Do you have a way to get a close magnified look at the trichomes? I'd bet it's ready.

I've harvested about a pound now and everything I've grown and then harvested and smoked a sample of most everything I've grown has gotten me messed up.
Everytime I check it's like my eyes are playing tricks on me, I think I can see amber than I go check again and dont see anything, they should be ready they've been running for nearly 11weeks

I have a few autos outside in the great wilderness of n.w Scotland, 1 has just through out some pre flowers


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I've grown autoflowers outside this year and I've planted around eight different strains, usually two or three plants of each type. Even though planted on the exact same day, in the same soil, receiving the same water and nutrients I find some completely ready for harvest right on time while others are not even flowering and don't get harvested until a month later. Totally confuse me why.

I have the same issue with seeing the trichomes, I got a small 60x120 handheld scope you can focus off Amazon for around $12.00 US.

NW Scotland? How far North is that? I'm at 45 degrees North in the US up by Canada and days are rapidly getting short and nights are currently in the low 40F and high 30F. I was in the Shetland Islands in the late 1970's and that is far North. Starts getting colder and days shorter it takes longer for the plant to mature I'd say.
Seeing trichs on the purps can be a pain in the ... well you know.

If I'm having a really hard time seeing, I'll get out my dslr and shoot it in raw format on a tripod and focused at max digital zoom. you can get really tight shots in RAW.
Have also seen a couple loop things that will clip to a phone, neat idea, no idea of the practical.
My Fastbuds Fastberry and LSD-25 are purple strains and make up 25% of what I have grown this Summer. Trichomes turn purple then just the very tip gets cloudy then amber. It makes it hard to tell when most turn cloudy and it seems like when they start turning amber they go quickly amber. I don't mind the couch lock but most of the stuff I've got jarred up is just a mental high then puts me to sleep which is OK as I only smoke at night.

I was given some medical marijuana from someone last year (an 1/2 ounce of Purple Trainwreck and a 1/2 ounce of Cannatonic) and they made me feel like my legs were logs and increased pain. They also gave me edibles which took hours to kick in and not used to them I took too much.

Decades ago I smoked Mexican, Columbian and Hawaiian Sativas and always had bad trips with hallucinations and paranoia. I only grew one mostly sativa strain this year, everything else are indicas and no paranoia at all. I smoked a bowl of the sativa strain last night and felt trippy.
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Sorry that was a typo I meant to write N.E scotland I'm on the coast look out the window and I see a harbour lol. U still cant tell if their ready I will be putting them into 24h darkness tomorrow and then chopping after that I think? Or should I not?

I was some autos outside but there not doing great, I also have a blue cheese photo outside it is doing well but I dont think itll be ready in time for the cold weather. Anyone got pics of their buds or plants? It's like porn to me haha
Sorry that was a typo I meant to write N.E scotland I'm on the coast look out the window and I see a harbour lol. U still cant tell if their ready I will be putting them into 24h darkness tomorrow and then chopping after that I think? Or should I not?

I was some autos outside but there not doing great, I also have a blue cheese photo outside it is doing well but I dont think itll be ready in time for the cold weather. Anyone got pics of their buds or plants? It's like porn to me haha

Hey check these threads out
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Sorry that was a typo I meant to write N.E scotland I'm on the coast look out the window and I see a harbour lol. U still cant tell if their ready I will be putting them into 24h darkness tomorrow and then chopping after that I think? Or should I not?

I was some autos outside but there not doing great, I also have a blue cheese photo outside it is doing well but I dont think itll be ready in time for the cold weather. Anyone got pics of their buds or plants? It's like porn to me haha
I have a storm coming in, I'll take some pictures tomorrow. I have three autoflower plants getting close outside. I think I've harvested around 12 plants so far this Summer. I have 8 plants still growing outside but may move some smaller ones inside on Sunday which can fit in my 4 foot by 4 foot by 6'8" tent.
Gorilla Glue

Photoperiod not sure what it is


Gorilla Glue



I managed to brick my digital camera while taking pictures outside. Had to take these with a Kindle tablet. The large photoperiod plant probably won't finish unless warm weather remains until first or second week of October. Couple weeks left on the Fastbuds LSD-25 that are purple. I can always move them to the tent. They are behind where they should be.Look nothing like one I harvested a month ago.

Two Shorter dark green plants are Gorilla Glues from Fastbuds, nowhere near where they should be, they go back in the tent soon.

The tall autoflower With lots of buds is an Afterthought Auto Kilter that is around 55+ inches tall. It better finish soon. It is a 90 day plant strain, I either planted on June 1st or possibly middle of May.

Purple plant is LSD-25, behind it is a Pineapple Express by Fastbuds that just started flowering, I planted another on the same day that was finished in two months or so, this one is at least a month behind, grew totally different, the first was dark green with a huge fat central cola like a football and two side branches and was dark green. This one is lime green and just sickly looking.

These are growing right behind my pole barn on the small island in the middle of a lake where I live. State legalized growing 12 plants. I built a small fenced area to store my utility trailers out of view, after they legalized marijuana I enclosed it and put a gate with a lock on it and hung tarps to make it less likely people would just peek in and see them by walking onto my property. To be legal they have to be out of the view of the public from ground level or from elevated buildings. No two story houses near to me. Except for the road that circles the small island the entire area is tall trees.
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