Nutrients Harvest Gold Silica Q3 Communal Product Test Thread

I am having a hard time getting anything to crack, only 1 of 4. Well two, but one aint' gonna make it.

I am gonna drop some of my own seeds, I am pretty confident I can get them to pop, cuz they are mine. lol



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time for a update on my plants in my grow tent with my prism lighting science 315w cmh light in super soil

I just planted my replacement seed because the first seed died that was going to be in this pot after it sprouted

so I started to germinate another seed and that seed never made it past seed stage no tap root nothing what a bummer so I started another seed and this one had a ok size tail on it so I have high hopes for it this time

the rest of the plants got watered yesterday and got a dose of microbes in there watering

1x sweet seeds - cream mandarin xl auto (harvest gold silica added) in day [HASHTAG]#9[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Synergy Automatic Genetics - power punch auto (harvest gold silica added) in day [HASHTAG]#9[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Synergy Automatic Genetics - power punch auto in day [HASHTAG]#9[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x dinafem - critical + 2.0 photo in day [HASHTAG]#9[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Mephisto genetics - chem city blues (not sprouted yet)

time for a update on my plants in my grow tent with my prism lighting science 315w cmh light in super soil

my replacement seed has sprouted so will call this day 1 for it so thats awesome and I watered all of the plants they all got plain water

the rest of the plants got watered yesterday and got a dose of microbes in there watering

1x sweet seeds - cream mandarin xl auto (harvest gold silica added) in day [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Synergy Automatic Genetics - power punch auto (harvest gold silica added) in day [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Synergy Automatic Genetics - power punch auto in day [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x dinafem - critical + 2.0 photo in day [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Mephisto genetics - chem city blues in day [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

time for a update on my plants in my grow tent with my prism lighting science 315w cmh light in super soil

I just watered all of the plants they all got plain water and topped my photo period plant plant are looking great so far

1x sweet seeds - cream mandarin xl auto (harvest gold silica added) in day [HASHTAG]#13[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Synergy Automatic Genetics - power punch auto (harvest gold silica added) in day [HASHTAG]#13[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Synergy Automatic Genetics - power punch auto in day [HASHTAG]#13[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x dinafem - critical + 2.0 photo in day [HASHTAG]#13[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Mephisto genetics - chem city blues in day [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

Hey good stuff everyone, keep it up.

I finally have something to show. The one Candy Kush Auto is finally getting some root growth, it was probably in the seed starter too long and now is getting into the potting mix.

I also germ'ed 6 of Jemma Wreck's (White Jem Auto x Trainwreck Auto). And I got five of them to crack, so should have at least two females out of them. These are F1's that I think have potential. Most of the crosses I have done so far have come out well.


As you can see, I have them transplanted now, Root is my savior when it comes to tender young transplants.
2 female seeds autos white widow blueberry black felt pot has the harvest gold has been retaining water more than other pot. watering harvest gold pot every 3 to 4 days non harvest gold pot every two days ....outside grow..been warm but not hot....till two days ago the harvest gold pot was smaller in size and height ( 3 pics) but like overnight she just blew up.....last pic
@SOOTDAWG -- hey man, sorry but both felt pots look black to me. Any way you could more specifically mark the pot with HGS? Thanks. :cheers:
@SOOTDAWG -- hey man, sorry but both felt pots look black to me. Any way you could more specifically mark the pot with HGS? Thanks. :cheers:
The black one with the harvest gold only has one blue label on one handle——non hg has both handles blue labeled
Hey now!
Whew finally got going! Made up some pots tonight. For the HGS I made up four three gal felt pots. Two have it and two don’t. I am using my usual mix of NFTG [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] soil mixed 3:1 with perlite. I mixed the two pots seven parts soil mix to 1 part HGS by weight. I’m going to soak them with some AACT and then some NFTG HH to kick things off. Looking to germ this weekend. This will be in my short tent so I’m thinking Gold Glue and maybe NCHxSourHound too keep on a Mephisto bent.