After further deliberation, it was decided that we'll wait a few more days to start flushing her. We may wait until Friday.
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After reading through the thread that is your best bet. I would recommend on your next run to use cal mag and silica after about a week after the pop to let the seedling establish itself. They should fatten up for you but remember every mistake with an auto is magnified because you are on a time table unlike a photo period where you can veg them pretty much as long as you like so you have recover time. Keep those lights higher and work down because led lighting can burn just as fast even though the heat factor is down. next time put you hand under those lights and see how it feels if it is too hot and uncomfortable to you then it is for the plant. I would let them go as long as possible and hopefully they will gain some mass. Good job, you will bring them to harvest and have some good bud to smoke and that's all we can ask for with every run and to get knowledge from the mistake and then it becomes much easier once you nail the basics.