Fast Buds Hans' FastBuds LED Coco Autopot Grow - Blackberry / Girl Scout Cookies

... One disadvantage with the autopots is I can't tailor feeds to each specific plant since it's a common res but usually just staying at 2ml/l base nutes keeps them pretty happy.

To customize additives feeding for individual plants in autopots, can't one simply add the appropriate amount to the water in the tray that the pots are sitting in?
Yeah.. I was kinda wondering about that. I was thinking that I will always have to run strains with the same life span.
Yes that would be ideal but it's never influenced my decisions to be honest... If one's finishing a lot quicker than the other it usually just means I won't get a chance to run Overdrive on that one. It is easy enough to start flushing one before the other though as I just disconnect it from the res and manually fill up the tray with plain water.

I can't slap you enough.. I'm in envy. There's not a single spot on that plant that isn't perfect

Congrats man .... I love the 30 inch mark. Of you ever get any auto to the 30 inch mark. There's A LOT OF BUD in her future
Thanks bud... you've got nothing to be envious about though, your plants are just as nice :thumbsup:
To customize additives feeding for individual plants in autopots, can't one simply add the appropriate amount to the water in the tray that the pots are sitting in?
No this can't really be done, at least not without an insane amount of effort... so I wouldn't recommend trying it. The trays only fill up with a very minimal amount of water (maybe 250ml) so you'd have to be dosing like only a few drops at a time and also once it fills up it won't refill until it's empty so it's going through several of these wet/dry cycles each day... which would mean you'd basically have to be sitting by the autopot all day in order to do that.
No this can't really be done, at least not without an insane amount of effort... so I wouldn't recommend trying it. The trays only fill up with a very minimal amount of water (maybe 250ml) so you'd have to be dosing like only a few drops at a time and also once it fills up it won't refill until it's empty so it's going through several of these wet/dry cycles each day... which would mean you'd basically have to be sitting by the autopot all day in order to do that.
How about an inline mixing chamber for a single pot? Maybe patch-in a sealed 1 liter or quart container with separated in and out hose attachments. Then adding X mL/L of your additives to the 1 L container, you should get rather reliable delivery of that full X mL as a safe diluted dose over say 2 days of feed passing through and mixing.
How about an inline mixing chamber for a single pot? Maybe patch-in a sealed 1 liter or quart container with separated in and out hose attachments. Then adding X mL/L of your additives to the 1 L container, you should get rather reliable delivery of that full X mL as a safe diluted dose over say 2 days of feed passing through and mixing.
Well if you really wanted to have different feeds I'd say just run two separate reservoirs :P I prefer to just keep things as simple as possible though ;)