Sweet Seeds Hans' Devil Cream & Bloody Skunk Grow

You really have some beauties going brother. Well done :gthumb:
Bloody Skunk - Day 44

Buds are getting fat and frosty :grin: She's yellowing up pretty early tho, might only go like 65 days or so with this one.

Here are today's pics.






Devil Cream Update

Just wanted to give a bit of an update on the DC. I've had some major issues with her over the last 10 days or so... most of the fan leaves have died off already so clearly has had some deficiencies. I have a feeling it's just that she was underfed... since I've got a common res that feeds both autopots I can't do different feeds for each plant, which can obviously be a problem especially with different strains. The BS was getting a bit of tip burn at over 1/2 strength so I didn't go any higher, and since the DC is a monster at 42" I think it's a safe bet to say she's probably more hungry :slaps:

So for now I'll just be watering by hand and only fill up the res if I have to go away. She got a feed at 3/4 strength yesterday so hopefully I'll see some improvement soon. The buds are still filling out and I've actually had to tie up / support most of the branches cause they were falling over from the weight so hopefully the end result will still be OK. It's too difficult to take her out of the tent for pics so probably only do some pre-chop/harvest pics later on. I'll get some more pics of the BS soon tho... she is looking amazing :grin:
Bloody Skunk - Day 50

This little lady is becoming quite colourful, the leaves that were looking pale / yellow are now turning a nice shade of purple. Buds are continuing to get more dense and sticky. I'm thinking maybe one more week of feeding then flush.

Took her out for a sexy photoshoot tonight... looking almost photo contest worthy!?? :grin:







The problem is which photo to use ;) Wide shot or close-up...equally impressive.
Hehe thanks Trap. Yes that would be a tough decision... The first close-up pic is currently my desktop background so that's probably my fav :brow:
Just a little sneak preview of the Devil Cream buds... day 52 for her now.


