Grow Mediums Hans’ Autopot Grow and Show – Gorilla Glue / Red Poison

Nope haven't tried that one bro... Not sure if that's one I'd end up getting. Do you use it? Is there a noticeable difference with it? I feel like a lot of their supplements are not really going to make much difference to the final result. Tang and others who have gone from using basically the full line up to stripped down schedules haven't seen much difference in yield, potency, etc... I may still add one or two more supplements to my lineup, leaning towards Bud Factor X next but not sure if it's worth the price.

I dropped the B52, never noticed much of a difference. I've burned plants easily using the stuff. Bud Factor X is well worth the money. I've also switched out my Big Bud for Kushie Kush, but no noticeable difference there.

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I dropped the B52, never noticed much of a difference. I've burned plants easily using the stuff. Bud Factor X is well worth the money. I've also switched out my Big Bud for Kushie Kush, but no noticeable difference there.

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Good to know, might pick that up for later this grow then. The Big Bud is good stuff and reasonably priced so I'll stick with that, will switch to the coco version once I run out of the regular stuff tho.
Good to know, might pick that up for later this grow then. The Big Bud is good stuff and reasonably priced so I'll stick with that, will switch to the coco version once I run out of the regular stuff tho.

Hi @Hansbricks when do you add big bud and how much do you use and do you use it with other bloom boosters.just asking bro because i have just ordered some to try
Hi @Hansbricks when do you add big bud and how much do you use and do you use it with other bloom boosters.just asking bro because i have just ordered some to try
Hey man, usually I start adding Big Bud around week 5-6 once I switch over to bloom nutes... I use it along with Bud Candy. Then for the last 1-2 weeks before flush I switch it out with Overdrive. I typically just run all my supplements at half strength (1ml/l).
Hey man, usually I start adding Big Bud around week 5-6 once I switch over to bloom nutes... I use it along with Bud Candy. Then for the last 1-2 weeks before flush I switch it out with Overdrive. I typically just run all my supplements at half strength (1ml/l).

Thanks hans i was just wondering because i use AN sensi bloom start to finnish with density power boost(bloom booster)when they hit flower so wanted to know whether i could use it with the power boost or on its own
Thanks hans i was just wondering because i use AN sensi bloom start to finnish with density power boost(bloom booster)when they hit flower so wanted to know whether i could use it with the power boost or on its own
Should be able to run them both... I know @briman uses Big Bud and Hammerhead (PK boost) together. I would just start at a low dose initially then gradually increase if they can handle more.
Day 15
Good looking start to these so far... The GG is already looking promising, quite a bit bigger than the RP at this point. Just gave them another feeding after taking these pics, still same feed as last time. Another 5 days and I'll get the Autopots turned on.

FYI I ran out of coco filling up the RP pot which is why it's a bit low :lol:






Looking good hans.... I'm with @MeefChief after this bottle of B52 runs out I'll be dropping that product.

On BIG BUD when the current bottle is done I'm switching to the green planet MASSIVE. It's there bread and butter. It has all the things that makes big bud great and more but at a reduced price point.

I just switched out bud candy wich is a product I really like from AN... people spend too much $$$ on microbes and root stimulators not to feed them lol... but it was switched to Liquid W8 front green planet. Same product basically only cheaper
On BIG BUD when the current bottle is done I'm switching to the green planet MASSIVE. It's there bread and butter. It has all the things that makes big bud great and more but at a reduced price point.