Indoor hairymans The good, bad and ugly perpetual grow

Looks class bud :thumbsup: is the big girl the gorilla glue

Sorry pal it ain't,but they are only 3ltr pots you got no need to worry ,going to be fun to watch yours ,might make me so jealous I go into water growing, but whilst it's small the buds are big ille get a side shot up its like a wall of bud :d5:

a ton of budsites,looking swell.
Cheers archie let's hope they do swell, or else she getting viagra :thumbsup:
@sanguine ,she just starting to get fat , chunky all the way through , she has her own fan it's getting dense in thier

Well its really impressive for a 3l pot mate at least 40 tops on her. You must be watering a few times a day now

Cheers pal, more like 20 lol and yes both her and the cheese get fed 3 times a day, until recent the gortilla was just fish mix but I relented and added bloom, so both now get fed 3mlfish,5mlbloom in total they drinking about 4ltrs a day each,I reckon you could hit them hard, so don't you go holding back lol
Well the cheese continues to grow , her and the gorilla are starting to impact on the others in time and space, but that's life,never had a plant take so long as that cheese, anyways some pic, I ordered a lead so pics will improve,the last pic is a GSC I topped,I ordering some more auto's, lol. I don't fancy not being able to have a pick at them in the dark hours, so will be glad to get back to mephisto and I got some Zen seeds coming :d5:
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under frost,nice shots.

Cheers pal,:thumbsup:, she's a way to go still I think,and she starting to stink :smoking:
Nice pics @hairyman are you using a new camera? :pass:
Cheers pal, No I had just been using the phone ,but I got a new lead for an old camera :d5: but they miles better I think on the camera, just more hassle lol, I can zoom in on it as well to check trichs,she's a way to go still, and I've noticed everyone sticking thier names on pictures so I joined the band wagon :toke: ,,I got some Zen seeds coming and hopefully some mephisto, it's been a learning curve running so many different strain from different breeders Ive gotten so use to mephisto girls all finishing quick ,anyways ime waffling on!:cheers: