Indoor hairymans The good, bad and ugly perpetual grow

Cheers pal,,, no I did them, you wanting a afn one?
I was online last night seeing about getting some made. Got this far

Then it told me the image quality might not be high enough so i left it.
There 30cm (1foot) round 36quid for 10.
Dont mind paying long as they dont look all pixelated.
yea pal,,, its all that Mephisto in them :smoking:,,its a lovely strain,,and they 3 ltr soil ,the mind boggles ,,, i got 4 bomb seeds just up ,,, its cold and i dont pamper them so they a wee slow, and then the battles next month,,, and i still gota grow out some regs and tons of little breeding projects,sóme good ,some bad lol