Indoor hairymans The good, bad and ugly perpetual grow


Year of the Dragons
Jan 25, 2015
Reaction score

Hi everyone ,been a while, got some time on my hands again so here I am,

Grow space 120:60:80 Tent
Light 400 draw led, the lights are on 24/7 unless I spray
Feed,soil etc ,biobizz lightmix biobizz fishmix and bloom, Epsom salts
airpump for oxygenating water feeds and that's about is ,oh and seaweed sprays when I can be bothered

Majority of time I stick to 3lite pots have a few 6lite and one larger one but with size of space and perpetual growing I avoid using it, the two biggest plants you can see are in 3 litres,,, size of pot in my space don't always equate to size, I try to plant one when I kill one but sometimes it all goes to pot and become out of synch

Well as you can see the girls are all at different stages ,some good, some bad and some ugly,lol
the good ones ille introduce over the next days, the bad and ugly ones we shall see, I punish the plants a lot , sometimes stunting just for space depending which ones take off, so ain't fair to give a bad name to a seed,
Anyways all I do is feed and bend,and such super simple,I keep them all low easyer to handle with all the ages
feel free to ask or post anything ya want but keep it simple, I don't do technical and no I don't know what my pH is
heya hairyman :pass:
tds,ppm,ec ?
lookin good
Hay Archie, a face i remember, a perpetual grower of great esteem I recall, TDs is that a std:crying:, no pal I don't do any of that my water is OK tried and proven , biobizz soil and nutes I don't get probs really, I add Epson salt every water and never had to use Cal,mag since , I only use fish mix and bloom ,keeping it simple and if it does go wrong :coffee: and plant another,:pass:thanks for stopping by pal
Long time no see! Good to see you back posting again mate-hope your keeping well.
Subbed up for the grow
hey pal, yea been a while, life and all that took over , me tent ain't that much bigger than the cupboard I used to grow in, I can grow a couple of decent size ones in here but have been at times harvesting one a week ,obviously yields drop and it's a challenge keeping them all happy and on top of feeds ,lol in fact I stunt ,kill more by feeding the wrong feeds to wrong plants than I care to mention and talk about snapped branches lol but I love to leaf tuck very relaxing,

OK here's a good one I think, it's day 39, the only plant I sure date of, its seedsman white cheese auto a freebie at that,pictures a bit crappy need a lead so I can get them from camera anyways,3litre pot

She on twice daily feeds, at moment 50%50 fishmix,bloom and a pinch Epsom salts I think it will be 3 feeds a day soon, unfortunately other plants have to give way in my love and space when one takes off I try and chase it even if others have to suffer,
Cheers hairy


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Thats a lovely plant mate, nice even canopy on her too. Should be a decent haul off her
cheers pal, depends cn what you call a decent yeild lol,

Zup my friend, it's good to see you! Lulu say's she misses you washing her back. :crying:

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Lol trust you to lower the tone of my thread ,lmao good to have you on board pal

Ok Another good one I hope fast seeds gorrilla glue, she between 5 and 6 weeks old in 3litre pot,fed twice daily at moment fishmix, bloom and a dash Epsom salts


Never to soon to train, ille have to think about what this is lol but I like it all ready it's a keeper I think

The two litre bottles are just a play, I pulled one of thier sisters for not playing ball and one of my ugly plants in the tent is the same ,only sat in thier as it will yield something, they good genetics just not been happy with my tent ,methods and bending etc,too be honest apart from the fast buds I can't wait to get more mephisto I just running out all my other stuff out coz I skint lol
Cheers hairy


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cheers pal, depends cn what you call a decent yeild lol,

Lol trust you to lower the tone of my thread ,lmao good to have you on board pal

Ok Another good one I hope fast seeds gorrilla glue, she between 5 and 6 weeks old in 3litre pot,fed twice daily at moment fishmix, bloom and a dash Epsom salts
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Never to soon to train, ille have to think about what this is lol but I like it all ready it's a keeper I think
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The two litre bottles are just a play, I pulled one of thier sisters for not playing ball and one of my ugly plants in the tent is the same ,only sat in thier as it will yield something, they good genetics just not been happy with my tent ,methods and bending etc,too be honest apart from the fast buds I can't wait to get more mephisto I just running out all my other stuff out coz I skint lol
Cheers hairy
I love me some Fastbuds gear and I can't wait to try Mephisto, (I know I've been missing out, due mainly to lack of funds). :hump: Anyways, your ladies are looking great bro and I'll surely tone it down. :dancer: :kiss:
I love me some Fastbuds gear and I can't wait to try Mephisto, (I know I've been missing out, due mainly to lack of funds). :hump: Anyways, your ladies are looking great bro and I'll surely tone
I love me some Fastbuds gear and I can't wait to try Mephisto, (I know I've been missing out, due mainly to lack of funds). :hump: Anyways, your ladies are looking great bro and I'll surely tone it down. :dancer: :kiss:

Don't you dare tone it down,
ok couple of pics inside tent I think on phone can't see a fkin thing, ille post some individual ones later,