Lighting Guess the yield: DP Auto Blueberry under GN ms0006

Fantastic growing dude really nice plant. Wud give my left nut for some stone d's but I guess you don't want that so here's my guess

Bottom: 96g
Total: 117.5g
ill put it my guess as well! i dont see why not -- those beautiful dragons are to die for.

top = 19.5g (calculated from the top cola hint!)
bottom = 145.5g

total dry yield = 165g :wiz:
Top 17g
Bottom 116g
Total 133g

Of sweet sweet blueberry ! Great Job!:jaw:
Ahhh, sorry budz, I have the numbers but will post tomorrow evening so there is still some time for new entries :group:
I'll say(cant see the pics other than the first two of the thread LOL) 45 grams dried Top.

76 grams dried bottom.

121 grams total dried.

Nice grow bro!!
Nice! :clap:

Top: 17 grams
Rest: 103 grams
Total: 120 grams
