Lighting Guess the yield: DP Auto Blueberry under GN ms0006

:D:thumbs: nice 1 Testor
mmmmm donuts, sorry dragons! DOH!!

Would really like some of those, so here's my guess (and I'm hedging my bets as well!) :D

Top = 21g
Rest = 126g
Total = 141g


Last edited:
Top: 17g
Rest: 122g
Total: 139g
Amazing growing stoned. No matter what the final yield is you're gonna have some tasty meds for a long time :smokebuds:
Top = 23.7g
Bottom =151.4g
the big fig newton = 175.1g......and I'd eat a handful of worms for just a taste of that...!!!. Fuckin' stunning. :five:
Puff, puff, pass
- dry yield of harvesting the top: 16.2 Grams
- dry yield of harvesting the remains: 170.3
- final dry yield : 186.5
for sure,
hope to learn from this pro
