Lighting Guess the yield: DP Auto Blueberry under GN ms0006


I won!!! I am dancing around the laptop right now!!!! Nice!!!

STONE DRAGON (Sweet Seeds Black Jack Auto x Mossy's Durrty Dragon)

Noods: "The white pheno is my Day-Time Smoke. First thing in the morning for an energy kick that I boost often throughout the day, all day"

Tang: "Strong head buzz followed by warm euphoria" "The taste is straight up Blackjacks"

Mossy: ""I keep thinking Sex.." ;)

Thanks StoneD! Cant wait to try them out!!!
Im tellin ya man.LOL!Im sittin here havin a blah day n now its a much nicer day!! :wiz: Thank you!!!! :dance2:Stone D. Niiiiiiccceee!!!!!!
currently have diesel ryder, getting stone dragon.. I hope to see a Dragon Ryder in the not too distant future..
Congrats on the dry weight Stone and congrats to the winners :smokebuds:
Great yield stone d :thumbs:

Well done to the winners my guess was well off the mark :D

:jaw: :drool: where was I for this comp? OMG! On the blueberry dragon! :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: I almost nearly creamed myself when I saw that first pic! What a freaking beauty of a plant! :clap: :clap: :clap: :bow: just BEAUTIFUL!