Outdoor Guerilla's guerilla grows 2015

See post #29 and a few posts from there. Will be interesting to hear what you think of the effect, if any.

1 milk / 9 water seems to be working (touch wood) have perfect mould conditions atm and so far so good. Had some PM couple weeks ago, hit that (and all plants) with 1 TBL spoon Apple Cidar Vinegar / 1 Ltr water and arrested that immediately.
Thank you G and thank you Mr Pennypacker lol
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K how do I upload new pics?j
Or just check out new avatar....auto jacks gone into flower now
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I had problems too.. the "image" button only brings up an option to enter a url. I tried by fluke to drag and drop the image from my desktop into this text box and it worked..try that G...go...
this HTML class. Value is