Outdoor Guerilla Grow 2015; what i did wrong?

archie, if you trellis on the ground be careful about circ, I did this when 1/2 of the year is is bone dry, the ground trellis will make you invisible, my fav place, but be carefull, in a moist clime I would use a thick mulch and remove my covering as much as possible.
front yard back yard side yard, no one, I mean no one but the teen agers will know, these are your allies, cultivate them
can't emphasize enough, get the the teenagers on the payroll, protect the crop, and you get proteges in the process,
archie, if you trellis on the ground be careful about circ, I did this when 1/2 of the year is is bone dry, the ground trellis will make you invisible, my fav place, but be carefull, in a moist clime I would use a thick mulch and remove my covering as much as possible.
I mean mulch that is dry carbon stuff that isn't rotting at the surface.
Landscape fabric will fit the bill.
Personally I use a fallen tree as a trellis .
oh, archie, when they grow low, don't need wind support, your job is to protect from cold rain and not grow fungus, my job too, but I can given them more vert
I have 2 more questions.
1. Is there any autoflower strain with un-traditional leaves form? Found Frisian Duck but is there some autoflower versions?
2. Will soilmix +/- like this http://www.growweedeasy.com/organic-super-soil work fine with autoflower strains and will not make any burns if ill put seeds directly in it?

Good on you for recognizing your mistakes, and I hope you can make better plans for next season. Yes you didn't pull anything from 2015, but you did learn a lot as demonstrated in this post, so take that knowledge and put it to work this year. Bigger, better, whenever, wherever, however. Good luck this year, and looking forward to seeing what you produce :)

Dude i got so much from last year actually. I learned alot from mistakes and i got some stuff for myself and to share with my friends. Never sold a gram and never bought after i harvested my own. And the biggest thing i got is understanding that i can grow my own medicine and even better than that sh*t dealers can offer me. And thats alot.
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There are a couple guys workin on it...I'd post the link but I'm ....well I sucks at tech sooooo. ..
Yeah look it up :)
I used promix organic soil once worked well
I grow at lat 53 in the land of celtic rain forests you can check out a few years of grows via my page for some strain ideas. If you clear more of the surrounding veg out and lollypop the fan leaves you should have better yields. Trail cameras are getting cheaper if you really wanna know if someones found your spot.
good luck this season