Outdoor Guerilla Grow 2015; what i did wrong?

Havent been here for a while. Thanks for all replies.
Already getting ready for this season guerilla. Checked out new place near river some 2 kilometers from main road in the woods and ordered some seeds.

Throw in a few diaper to line the bottom. ..keeps water . Fill with supersoil. [...] Spray for mold when you have moldy conditions for cast. [...]

You mean water absorbing crystals or whole diaper? And whats that spray for mold?

Autos don't like to be transplanted, they like to go start to finish in their original plot. I plant them directly in the ground.

Doesnt it mean i have more percentage for some failure? What temperatures should be to put seeds directly to the ground?
Havent been here for a while. Thanks for all replies.
Already getting ready for this season guerilla. Checked out new place near river some 2 kilometers from main road in the woods and ordered some seeds.

You mean water absorbing crystals or whole diaper? And whats that spray for mold?

Doesnt it mean i have more percentage for some failure? What temperatures should be to put seeds directly to the ground?
when the local gardeners plant warm weather vegies, it's time
ive made 2 half assed attempts at outdoors.i got 2 problems lesser of the two is a lot of rain,its just so windy round here.how can I give them support and shelter without it standing out like a sore thumb ?
ive made 2 half assed attempts at outdoors.i got 2 problems lesser of the two is a lot of rain,its just so windy round here.how can I give them support and shelter without it standing out like a sore thumb ?

good fucking question. Best way for weather is some kinda cover.
for stealth, I once grew a photo in Laguna Beach, Ca, trailed it along the ground in the landscaping, worked so cool nobody knew, except the fucking teenagers, went climbing, came back, no plant, there was some ass kicking. Point being, besides if teens are around all bets off, you can pin a plant on the soil and you get this long thing with colas all along and sticking up 12'', max stealth, but first tune up the local teens, I mean scare them or buy them off, both ways work

archie, if you trellis on the ground be careful about circ, I did this when 1/2 of the year is is bone dry, the ground trellis will make you invisible, my fav place, but be carefull, in a moist clime I would use a thick mulch and remove my covering as much as possible.