Outdoor Guerilla Grow 2015; what i did wrong?

Mar 1, 2015
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At first sorry for my english, if theres some mistakes than forgive me. English is not my first language.

So heres my story:
So i did guerilla grow for a first time last year at 55 degree latitude. Bought 22 seeds of which 12 matured.

Soilmix was:
Peat moss ~40%
Compost ~30%
Vermiculite ~20%
Worm castings ~10%
and abit limestone

Autoflower seeds:
Auto Ultimate
Think Different
Critical 47
Northern Lights

Photoperiod seeds (never matured):
Royal Medic

Nutrients used:
Advanced Nutrients 3 part PH perfect nutrients
Voodoo Juice (only once after planting)

Started seeds in late may on window sill couse spring was cold and rainy. All 22 germinated. Around week 2 weather turned warmer and planted them into woods couse it was too dangerous to keep them on sill.
My spots was in woods glade (no idea if i called it right). I mean place where trees are cut down and there are lot of small bushes, stumps, sticks. Pretty ugly place to even walk. And i had 4 places like that (around 500-1000m from each other).

From one side it was clever to plant in places like that but from other side it was nightmare to bring water in hot summer days. Abrassions etc.

It took me 2 days to plant 20 seedlings. 2 seedlings i left in 5 liter pots and didnt plant at all. When i came back after week i was unpleasantly surprised. Both my buckets was stolen (!). In the middle of f*cking nowhere someone stole my plants. Too good buckets wasnt near other plants. But that feeling someone watching me from bushes never left. Pure paranoia for the rest of the summer. And other suprise was deers somehow eaten 4 other plants. I cried like little child i though none of my plants ever will grow till buds.

No idea how but someone saw my pots, never ever will guerilla grow into pots again.

Deers. Yes they exists and they eats little seedlings. So much grass and little other plants around but they need my plants for sure.

Next day i returned with spray from some kind of animal blood and sprayed around all my plants and none of plants died from animals from that time.
Thats almost all and nothing unforseen happened for the rest of the summer. June wasnt sunny and was pretty cold, July was more warm and sunny but still with lot of cloudy days and August was really hot and sunny. Visited my plants once every or every other week for the rest of the summer. Put some PH Perfect line Advanced Nutrients in water when i watered (2ml/l) and CalMag.

Harvested some of plants around late August and beggining of September and was abit dissapointed, best harvest from plant was around 20 grams dried, all other were around 10-20 grams. Pretty sh*tty harvest. But for first time +- ok. Oh yes Royal Medic (my only photoperiod strain) i harvested around 20 october couse frost at nights started abit early this year. I never even tried it, harvested it far from being ready.
Best harvest was from Auto Ultimate but my favorite buds came from Think different. So sticky and solid.

Water taking spots. I tried to plant near water ditches but forgot ditches can dry out. And that happened, i had to bring water from alot more far distance and that wasnt fun at all.

Photoperiod seeds. Photoperiod strains started to flower at the end of the August and in October there are nights when temperatures are already around 0 degree celsius. So forget about photoperiod strains.

Mold. Yes one of my plant literaly got all over with mold couse i didnt saw it early. That was my biggest plant and if there wouldnt be mold i would get around 30 grams dried material. But after i removed all molded flowers i got only some 10 grams. All other plants were ok, little mold, maybe 5% maximum for some of them.

Had to group plants by flowering time. I mixed different strains in 1 spot so had to came to harvest 1 spot some 3 times.

So i learned some lessons. But i have to ask your opinion. Couse i will do guerilla grow this year too. And this time around 30 plants. So i already start to think about that.

Why i got so small dry material?
Was that soilmix fault?

After plants started to flower some of fan leaves turned yellow. Maybe some lack of nutrients? You can see pictures below.

Any ideas for strains that better addapts 55 degree latitude?

What would be better soilmix to use?

Have anyone used hydrogel water retainers? And do i need it?

What you think its better to plant all plants at one place or as i did?

What about nutrients? Was my tactics about Advanced Nutrients right? Or should i use powder nutrients better?

Should i first put seedlings under lights before planting them outside?

Ill post pictures maybe later of my last year plants that you can see but i didnt take alot of photos for security purposes.

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Some of Pics.
Sorry for quality, those was for documentation not for forums ;)


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Buckets are bad dig hole two by two by two . Throw in a few diaper to line the bottom. ..keeps water . Fill with supersoil. .an leave the Chem at home.
Clear brush for better sun but keep enough for cover...I suggest LST for brush cover. Keeps it thick . Spray for mold when you have moldy conditions for cast. .once ya got mold ...well ..ya got mold. As for deer use blood and hair..as well as a fishing line fence at 2 an 3 feet high..deer no like it.. might want a 12 volt pump to help with watering.

At first sorry for my english, if theres some mistakes than forgive me. English is not my first language.

So heres my story:
So i did guerilla grow for a first time last year at 55 degree latitude. Bought 22 seeds of which 12 matured.

Soilmix was:
Peat moss ~40%
Compost ~30%
Vermiculite ~20%
Worm castings ~10%
and abit limestone

Autoflower seeds:
Auto Ultimate
Think Different
Critical 47
Northern Lights

Photoperiod seeds (never matured):
Royal Medic

Nutrients used:
Advanced Nutrients 3 part PH perfect nutrients
Voodoo Juice (only once after planting)

Started seeds in late may on window sill couse spring was cold and rainy. All 22 germinated. Around week 2 weather turned warmer and planted them into woods couse it was too dangerous to keep them on sill.
My spots was in woods glade (no idea if i called it right). I mean place where trees are cut down and there are lot of small bushes, stumps, sticks. Pretty ugly place to even walk. And i had 4 places like that (around 500-1000m from each other).

From one side it was clever to plant in places like that but from other side it was nightmare to bring water in hot summer days. Abrassions etc.

It took me 2 days to plant 20 seedlings. 2 seedlings i left in 5 liter pots and didnt plant at all. When i came back after week i was unpleasantly surprised. Both my buckets was stolen (!). In the middle of f*cking nowhere someone stole my plants. Too good buckets wasnt near other plants. But that feeling someone watching me from bushes never left. Pure paranoia for the rest of the summer. And other suprise was deers somehow eaten 4 other plants. I cried like little child i though none of my plants ever will grow till buds.

No idea how but someone saw my pots, never ever will guerilla grow into pots again.

Deers. Yes they exists and they eats little seedlings. So much grass and little other plants around but they need my plants for sure.

Next day i returned with spray from some kind of animal blood and sprayed around all my plants and none of plants died from animals from that time.
Thats almost all and nothing unforseen happened for the rest of the summer. June wasnt sunny and was pretty cold, July was more warm and sunny but still with lot of cloudy days and August was really hot and sunny. Visited my plants once every or every other week for the rest of the summer. Put some PH Perfect line Advanced Nutrients in water when i watered (2ml/l) and CalMag.

Harvested some of plants around late August and beggining of September and was abit dissapointed, best harvest from plant was around 20 grams dried, all other were around 10-20 grams. Pretty sh*tty harvest. But for first time +- ok. Oh yes Royal Medic (my only photoperiod strain) i harvested around 20 october couse frost at nights started abit early this year. I never even tried it, harvested it far from being ready.
Best harvest was from Auto Ultimate but my favorite buds came from Think different. So sticky and solid.

Water taking spots. I tried to plant near water ditches but forgot ditches can dry out. And that happened, i had to bring water from alot more far distance and that wasnt fun at all.

Photoperiod seeds. Photoperiod strains started to flower at the end of the August and in October there are nights when temperatures are already around 0 degree celsius. So forget about photoperiod strains.

Mold. Yes one of my plant literaly got all over with mold couse i didnt saw it early. That was my biggest plant and if there wouldnt be mold i would get around 30 grams dried material. But after i removed all molded flowers i got only some 10 grams. All other plants were ok, little mold, maybe 5% maximum for some of them.

Had to group plants by flowering time. I mixed different strains in 1 spot so had to came to harvest 1 spot some 3 times.

So i learned some lessons. But i have to ask your opinion. Couse i will do guerilla grow this year too. And this time around 30 plants. So i already start to think about that.

Why i got so small dry material?
Was that soilmix fault?

After plants started to flower some of fan leaves turned yellow. Maybe some lack of nutrients? You can see pictures below.

Any ideas for strains that better addapts 55 degree latitude?

What would be better soilmix to use?

Have anyone used hydrogel water retainers? And do i need it?

What you think its better to plant all plants at one place or as i did?

What about nutrients? Was my tactics about Advanced Nutrients right? Or should i use powder nutrients better?

Should i first put seedlings under lights before planting them outside?

Ill post pictures maybe later of my last year plants that you can see but i didnt take alot of photos for security purposes.

no prob with your English. I live above 66N, so I understand some of the far north problems growing and maturing cannabis crops. I use a little green house to moderate those unpredictable cold snaps and to protect those precious bud from cold fall rain. I try to grow plants that are taller than bushier to create good circulation to combat mould and fungus. What is the native soil like where you are planting? Maybe you could plant in the soil, add compost or very well rotted manure, more moisture would be available to plants, less watering for you. Scout out a more secluded area, near water. Need to think like an operative on a covert operation.
I see, da, your area is growing the natural forbs quite well. So, if you cleared enough room around each plant and put a bunch of compost in, I'd be surprise if they don't do good. If you can keep the cover hacked back a little helps with mold. Got to have room around plants, especially in the fall.
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If its clay that can be a good thing. Holds lots of water.

Yes clay holds lots of water, but it doesn't give any to the plants. Clay molecules hold on to water so tight that moist clay can still kill a plant from drought. This is why we have to mix in so much humic matter like compost, so It can loosen up the clay and give out some water. Learning this in my soils course really surprised me.

Martins, I would suggest you mix the soil into the holes in the early spring if you can. If the ground is still frozen I would mix the soil the fall before you plant. This gives it time to break down before you plant, and it does need to break down.

How much is a bit of lime, and are you using dolomite lime? In the words of ECE, "I put lime in my breakfast cereal." I have used too little in guerrilla grows, but never too much. I mix several handfuls in each hole, each hole being between 10-30 gallons of mixed soil/native soil/amendments.

What really helps me on the guerrilla grows is using a pre-mixed organic fertilizer from the local hardware store. Doesn't have to be anything expensive or special, I used jobes organic tomato mix with great results. Make sure to mix this fertilizer in with your soil when you make the hole so it has time to break down (4-8 weeks) before you plant in it. When I do this they explode with growth. In America we have a saying that I like to apply to myself, K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, stupid. Remember, with guerrilla it's better to plant more plots and keep the investment in each down to a minimum. That way if you loose half it's not a big deal, but if you manage to bring them all in it's a huge bonus.

Autos don't like to be transplanted, they like to go start to finish in their original plot. I plant them directly in the ground.

You can find semi-auto or very sensitive photoperiod plants that trigger and finish very early. I have heard of people doing well in the far north with those.

That's all I can come up with off the top of my head, good luck!
Good on you for recognizing your mistakes, and I hope you can make better plans for next season. Yes you didn't pull anything from 2015, but you did learn a lot as demonstrated in this post, so take that knowledge and put it to work this year. Bigger, better, whenever, wherever, however. Good luck this year, and looking forward to seeing what you produce :)