guano question

Ok I will buy my bat guano. I wanted to use different types anyway. Now I do also have a source for fresh llama and buffalo manure would that be ok to use? I have never personally used manure or anything before so I'm sorry if these questions are dumb.
Any excrement that isn't processed by another insect or animal first needs to be composted for some time until worms/beetles, etc can eat through them and destroy the pathogens and baddies. :thumbs:

I'd buy my stuff for now, but don't feel like it's not worth your time to scoop up some of the llama and buffalo manure and compost it with some worms and other things and trying it.. buffalo manure would be close to cow manure really, and black kow is pretty cheap. :thumbs:

I'm not too familiar on llamas diets, so I can't tell you what the manure may or may not have in it.. if it's the same kind of diet as buffalo, the manure itself won't differ too much, IMO.
maybe I will buy some to make the soil this time and also compost my own ingredients for future use and comparison. The only reason I mentioned llama manure was because in Jorge Cervantes' ultimate grow DVD he suggests using llama manure to make tea. I believe it is more for a bloom tea than a veg tea.
Any excrement that isn't processed by another insect or animal first needs to be composted for some time until worms/beetles, etc can eat through them and destroy the pathogens and baddies. :thumbs:

I'd buy my stuff for now, but don't feel like it's not worth your time to scoop up some of the llama and buffalo manure and compost it with some worms and other things and trying it.. buffalo manure would be close to cow manure really, and black kow is pretty cheap. :thumbs:

I'm not too familiar on llamas diets, so I can't tell you what the manure may or may not have in it.. if it's the same kind of diet as buffalo, the manure itself won't differ too much, IMO.
:thumbs: Agree 100%.

Now I do also have a source for fresh llama and buffalo manure would that be ok to use? I have never personally used manure or anything before so I'm sorry if these questions are dumb.
That could be a really, really good start for a natural compost... Put it in a bin, with some worms and just add vegetable kitchen scraps as you go... you could also add leaves, grass, any plant-based material really. Six months. to a year of composting... I'd sure use it!
The bat guano that sells in the stores is harvested from caves. Inside the caves there live the equivalent of dung beetles which process the guano completely before it is harvested. What you are buying is more like insect guano than bat guano. When mammal dung is processed through species from such a different species, like a worm or an insect, usually all the pathogens are eliminated and only beneficial microbes remain.

I'm not sure a agree with that but thats not important, I have used /collected so much guano in my days... and if it looks like mouse/bat turds its a turd. I cleaned out an old school house atic once with 3 garbage cans full. Not hot, not beetle shit, no beetles, not wet. ALL bat guano is ready to use, its never hot. Outside I have used 3-5 lbs a hole without problems.
Be careful if you decide to harvest your own bat guano, especially from a cave. Fossilized guano from a reputable source is the safest i believe, due to it being aged and processed by micro beasties.

3LB quote:
Bat Guano consists primarily of excrement of bats (no surprises there – eh?) It also contains the remains of bats that lived and died in that location over many long years. Bat guano is usually found in caves, and bats are not the only residents. Therefore, bat guano almost certainly contains the remains and excrement of other critters such as insects, mice, snakes and (gasp!) even birds. And, guano is by no means just collected excrement andanimal remains, as guano ages it can undergo a array of complex decomposition and leaching processes.
Fresh bat guano can carry many types of hazardous pathogens and bacteria. Especially, Histoplasma Capsulatum. Nasty stuff. Always wear adequate breathing protection. Bats are also a leading carrier of rabies so be sure to take precautions when dealing with them. :2cents:
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