Outdoor Growtogrow outside grow 2018

The rest of the garden Harvest for another 3 to 4 weeks the chemberry Diesels are extraordinary they're very big I expect to pull at least an elbow and 1/2 off each one the Citrus super Hayes's are looking great smelling fruity as hell and the White Widow the buds are still skinny they aren't looking as big as the other plant that I grew inside earlier this year not sure exactly what's going on with this girl maybe it's just a genetics of that seed this plant is from seed big plant small buds we still have time yet though it may fill out I'm doing all I can to encourage boosting big buds.
Making tees with Jamaican bat guano and floralicious Plus and Mother Earth Juice rainbow Bud mix. We'll keep our fingers crossed on this one [emoji120]
you win some you lose some we'll see I haven't lost it yet.
I'll do something with it LOL[emoji482]
Oh the last pic that's my soil pile for next year and just so you can see it I not afraid to dump anything in my soil that's box of stale Fruity Pebbles on top of the pile next to the shovel. LoL[emoji817][emoji482]

looking great man i bet the smell in amazeing in your garden :pass:
looking great man i bet the smell in amazeing in your garden :pass:
Thanks Stoney t[emoji482]
yeah the smells are amazing there's a quite a few different ones and they all kind of got mixed up all together. It don't smell like did last year last year was a lot of fruity poo smell more poo than Fruity this year it's a lot of fruit smell and not so much of the Pooh and hints of chocolate in the air.[emoji482]

Well I got to say one thing about weather people weather forecasters weathermen weather women [emoji36]they all cannot predict the weather. [emoji36]In no way shape or form... [emoji36]they're never ever are right the reason for my rant[emoji36][emoji36] there was no rain[emoji36] scheduled in the forecast until Saturday late night at least and at best was going to be Monday that's when they really predicted it[emoji36]
(it rained last night) [emoji27][emoji36]

Don't get me wrong we needed the rain I was prepared to harvest though before it did it just wasn't supposed to last night.
I was completely unprepared and caught off guard. if I would have known it was going to rain or even thought it was going to rain I would have covered my crop...
I was out there this morning for the last 2 hours shaking every bush off. The sun's out now and there's a slight breeze I'm hoping for it to dry out the buds..
Thank the Canna Gods the humidity is high and the evaporation rates are fast everything so dry it suck the water right off everything the leaves on the trees are already drying out.
The buds are so heavy I had to prop many of them up cuz they were putting too much strain on there branches.
I will probably end up bumping up my Harvest schedule if I happen to see any kind of Bud rot on any of the buds...if I do see any Then in they will come...I'll be watching intensely all day.[emoji482]

The mutant Berry

I just wanted you guys to see what I'm seeing and focusing on these leave configurations they are the weirdest leaves I've ever seen on any plant I've ever grown to this date so far and this is a monster crop reveg blueberry from seedsman this has nothing to do with genetics it's all right this is all got to do with how I messed it up this year but just focus on the base of those leaves and look at those and see how bizarre they really look

Yeah not ya typical canna leaves G2G.

Do you spray any bug preventive? Wondering if I should be to stop any nasties at source.
Hey...SJ...[emoji481][emoji482]..I know right Weird leaves..[emoji263][emoji261][emoji267]
No.. Sprays.... nope
I use nothing until I have to.
I did put 2500 Green lace wing larvae on the garden about mid June tho... I try to use good predator bugs as much as I can.
I am not much on sprays or chemicals [emoji91][emoji221][emoji220][emoji219][emoji88][emoji817]
This year thank [emoji120] the canna gods I have had no issue's at
all [emoji482]

Hey...SJ...[emoji481][emoji482]..I know right Weird leaves..[emoji263][emoji261][emoji267]
No.. Sprays.... nope
I use nothing until I have to.
I did put 2500 Green lace wing larvae on the garden about mid June tho... I try to use good predator bugs as much as I can.
I am not much on sprays or chemicals [emoji91][emoji221][emoji220][emoji219][emoji88][emoji817]
This year thank [emoji120] the canna gods I have had no issue's at
all [emoji482]


Good to know my friend, was not thinking any nasty chems just maybe washing up liquid spray on them to kill of any crawlers.

Seeing the ladies later today, excited!