Outdoor Growtogrow outside grow 2018

Looking A-1 on both the plants and the building as well! Shed looks great!
Thanks @912GreenSkell...[emoji481][emoji482]
It been a long road this year.[emoji482]

Thanks on the shed. I can finely pick up the drill gun 3 or 4 times
with my arm to my eye level before I have to help it. But getting stronger[emoji123]all the time.
Still my index finger and thumb still don't work. So there sending me hand therapy start Tuesday. And still have 12 more shoulder therapys to go. Maybe then it'll be done. ??? Its been long enough. [emoji482]

Thanks @912GreenSkell...[emoji481][emoji482]
It been a long road this year.[emoji482]

Thanks on the shed. I can finely pick up the drill gun 3 or 4 times
with my arm to my eye level before I have to help it. But getting stronger[emoji123]all the time.
Still my index finger and thumb still don't work. So there sending me hand therapy start Tuesday. And still have 12 more shoulder therapys to go. Maybe then it'll be done. ??? Its been long enough. [emoji482]


Shit bud....i would be there to help if I could!!
Wishing you luck with the harvest dude, everything is looking great, from the girls to the shed :d5:[emoji144].
Thanks @Ryker604_BT [emoji481][emoji482]
I think the rest of the harveat will be great. The white widow tho isn't as nice and thick yet. I hope it comes around soon. [emoji482]

Shit bud....i would be there to help if I could!!
Thanks GS thanks a lot[emoji481][emoji482].
I would like to meet you some day. That would be cool..
It's good therapy though raising my arm up and down as long as I'm not hurting myself I'm good it's getting stronger all the time hey Ice shouler twice a day they say I'm ahead of my shoulder therapy I feel like I'm behind
But it's all good moving forward anyways. [emoji106][emoji482]

The mutant Berry

I just wanted you guys to see what I'm seeing and focusing on these leave configurations they are the weirdest leaves I've ever seen on any plant I've ever grown to this date so far and this is a monster crop reveg blueberry from seedsman this has nothing to do with genetics it's all right this is all got to do with how I messed it up this year but just focus on the base of those leaves and look at those and see how bizarre they really look

Chocolate mint OG continue

this stuff really look good great big buds looks nice and frosty too nice job :d5:
And then there was 6...

1 White widow Seedsman

3 Chem berry diesel Dark horse gen

2 Citrus Super haze Seedsman

Fed t to the girls today molasses Earth Juice Bloom powder Jamaican bat guano a dash of floralicious Plus black orange pekoe tea and coffee grounds
two days brew time and I'll feed it to them over the next two days.
Last of the food for these girls.
Less than 3 weeks to ETA

really like the scrog you have going here i hope to do a plant or two like this outdoor maybe next year didnt get my ass in gear in time this year bit of a shame probly the best summer in the last ten years :smoking:
Thanks @stoneyT [emoji481][emoji482]
The mutant Barryis out cold can't wait to try that bud.
this stuff really look good great big buds looks nice and frosty too nice job :d5:
Chocolate mint OG that's going to be great stuff
thanks again I appreciate it[emoji482]

really like the scrog you have going here i hope to do a plant or two like this outdoor maybe next year didnt get my ass in gear in time this year bit of a shame probly the best summer in the last ten years :smoking:
Yeah the scrog net was easy just an old gate that I had laying around threw it up on top of a couple of two-by-fours and some PVC pipe tied it down and there it is...if you watch me...LoL
I do things about as simple and redneck hillbilly as you can get.[emoji106].LoL[emoji106][emoji14][emoji13][emoji12][emoji463]
Guarantee though next year should be automated pretty good I'm going to have curtains raising up curtains going across it's going to be more automated as I can get it with the water in zones and timers for everything I don't want to be married to it like I am this year. I am luckily I'm off work it's not bothering me I still got at least 4 more weeks off so I got plenty of time to do what I got to do to get this run done and even start working on it for next year outside grow... [emoji482]
[emoji267][emoji267][emoji267]Can't hardly wait[emoji267][emoji267][emoji267]
