Woah !!

Very glad to hear you're ok, my assessment is that you got lucky right there.
Just about this time in 2018 I got attacked by one pit. One good bite right above the ankle that opened me up to the bone. It was a mess, the dog that bit hadn't seen a vet in 5 years, the owners claimed it wuas a different pit that had bit me, because the one they were claiming was the only one they had that had a valid shot record. I got 2 different strains of resistant infection and was in danger of losing my foot before they found something that worked. It saved my foot and destroyed my gut biology which took a year to restore and during that time the bad gut biome induced high blood pressure. All that came out ok. The dirtbag owner went downtown and lied her a$$ off to a Judge to get an emergency OP, which in turn got my FOID revoked. If not for the fact I had not yet moved my guns from where I'd been living, they would have been confiscated.
I completed the work on the place I had just bought and then sold it at a loss of 4k without ever spending a night in it. Bought a place in the country nobody but me on my road and nearest neighbor 1/2 mile off. 2k $ in medical bills out my pocket no insurance. It takes quite a bit to get me hating, but believe me I've got some for those folks and pits too. I know a lot of good ppl that have them and in my book they are good people with bad dogs. LOL sermon and story over.
Again, glad you're good that could have had a catastrophic outcome, 5 of them killed a mail carrier just the other day. The plants are bumpin' well done sir.
I know ...
I know dogs really well....I was raised with dogs from diapers until still now today 58 years later. At one time we were Hunters we had coon dogs a lot of them at one time we had 65 dogs. My first babysitter was a German Shepherd literally I wasn't even walking yet. So I've had a lot of interactions with dogs. I've been bit and I've had to put dogs down before a good many of them in my day.
So I wasn't afraid of them whatsoever and I didn't want to hurt them and at first anyways. But When they came at me the third time... the kid gloves came off and if it would have got serious I would have killed at least one of them.
I had my trimming shears in my hands and I kept my shears so that I did not stab them but would've gave them a good damn Nick if they had got close enough to get hit by that damn thing I'll tell you that.
Yeah being bit by dogs is not no fun. You never turn your back on them that's for damn sure. Never run away stand your ground and fight forward. So that's why I backed myself up against the wall because they had to attack me from the front and as long as I could face them I can defend myself. I can't defend myself if they're behind me that's when they get you for real. Anything from behind you can't defend it's so hard.
But when the old lady finally come out with the bat I tell you what them dogs must known what that bat was all about because they fled and fast. LOL yeah they were assholes and Tails going north. LOL
But you know I have pit bulls and yeah they can be dangerous as hell and they can be lovely as hell depending on the disposition of that dog for sure. All dogs though have a ugly disposition they can be extremely dangerous and they can be extremely loving and again it all depends on the disposition of the dog.
When I was young and had a family I had some folks come over with their little baby. And I had a brindle pitbull his name was hacksaw. And he was the most gentle ass dog you ever seen in your life. He looked like a pit bull but acted like a baby. Well hacksaw's laying there on the living room floor and we're all talking and the little baby crawls up and you know starts laying on hacksaw and everything hacksaws just loving it he just loves that stuff he just loves to be loved on. So The little is laying on him and hitting you know just doing a little babies do and then the little baby grabbed a hold of hacksaw's balls and squeezed and squeezed.
I'll tell you what old hacksaw eyes just about bulged out of his head. But he just laid there and took it. He didn't get up and try to run away or nothing just laid there and took it until that baby let go.
I'll tell you what that was a good dog. Yep he was a damn good dog.
But he's probably 1 in 10 maybe 1 in 20 that'll be a good dog like that.
You can tell a good dog though after they get about a year old they start to get their hormones flowing and then a male drops his testicles or female starts her Cycles they start to show their disposition at that point. And even after fixing them some dogs don't change. And yet some dogs do change a lot. You just got to know what you're looking for.
But you can't control other people and they're dogs this is true.
That's really tragic about that mail carrier.
I always believe that mail carriers should be able to carry better weapons than pepper spray. My mail carrier carries 4 cans on him of bear spray. He knew about these dogs too.
I talked to him the other day about it and he says those dogs have been a problem off and on.
Well the guy got wise after I talk to him and explain to him that he had better take care of these dogs cuz there's a lot of kids in this neighborhood and they bite one of these kids. The parents are going to take you straight to the bank and take everything you got.
I told him he was real lucky I was the one that them dogs bit. Anybody else would have probably be suing him right now.
He was he was working on the fence last.