The last days of August
Wow can anybody believe it's the last day's of August

The girls are busting out. I haven't scrog netted anybody yet. The branches are all very Stout strong.
After going up north over the weekend and working my ass off up there cleaning and trimming and mowing I took two friends and we busted ass for about four and a half hours got a lot done. But I hadn't been up there since the accident and it was really overgrown it looked horrible. It still needs more work but it looks more presentable now.
Before trimming this morning.
The humidity is really high today it's about 75% or 80% here right now. And it's approximately about 80° right now. But the sun's not shining hard but it's really hazy. The girl's are loving it and are dancing with there new flowering dresses on today.
So today I'm going inside the plants in the middle and taking absolutely everything out that's regrown or tiny small insignificant branches and Bud sites and large sucker leaves that are inside the inner plant taking them all out today.
I've done 2 so far have 10 more to go. Take me about 40 minutes of plant. Which is not too bad. It's not real bad inside there as I stay up on it pretty good.
Thought I'd come inside and get some hydration and cool off. I should have them done by tomorrow and I'll have after pics with my next group of photos.
Happy growing y'all

The girls are busting out. I haven't scrog netted anybody yet. The branches are all very Stout strong.
After going up north over the weekend and working my ass off up there cleaning and trimming and mowing I took two friends and we busted ass for about four and a half hours got a lot done. But I hadn't been up there since the accident and it was really overgrown it looked horrible. It still needs more work but it looks more presentable now.
Before trimming this morning.
The humidity is really high today it's about 75% or 80% here right now. And it's approximately about 80° right now. But the sun's not shining hard but it's really hazy. The girl's are loving it and are dancing with there new flowering dresses on today.
So today I'm going inside the plants in the middle and taking absolutely everything out that's regrown or tiny small insignificant branches and Bud sites and large sucker leaves that are inside the inner plant taking them all out today.
I've done 2 so far have 10 more to go. Take me about 40 minutes of plant. Which is not too bad. It's not real bad inside there as I stay up on it pretty good.
Thought I'd come inside and get some hydration and cool off. I should have them done by tomorrow and I'll have after pics with my next group of photos.
Happy growing y'all
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