Thanks DCLXVIStrong work friend! Those are looking properly happy. That PVC watering system, my back and shoulders hurt just thinking about the time it took to set that thing up. I'm sure it's a blessing to have now that it's up and running.
Just out of curiosity, would the squared off "halos" in the pots work better if it was soaker hose? I suspect you've simply drilled a bunch of holes in the underside of the piping.

The PVC was pretty easy to install I didn't glue anything yet. It's just hanging there on wire hangers.
I had to wire up all of the downspouts. Didn't cost a lot I had most of the material but I did have to buy some valves and other things that I had left up north at my trailer

I haven't tried to soke hose yet, but is on my mind. The one reason is is this things like a giant manifold and it's not pressurized it's gravity fed so by using the drilled holes I can see how much water each plant gets. if that makes sense. I can see how much water is coming out and I can adjust the valves.
I think I'm going to have to pressurize it to do that to use a soke hose. But I'm afraid of pressurizing it because again it's not glued. But it's still a lot easier than lugging 5 gallon buckets of water to 12 different plants.

One of the things that's probably doesn't help is cuz the manifold is fed from one end. So each individual plant really needs a solenoid or garden timer and a timer for how much water it will get. Because it's one ended manifold.
I priced Garden timers for a single is around 13 bucks that runs on AA batteries. So that's not in the budget right now but next year if I buy a couple of them a month I'll have enough for next year to do all 12 plants. Another thing I have to consider also with leaving water in the PVC pipe is that the sun beams on it and it gets pretty hot. so I thought about buying those pool noodles to insulate it. they're pretty cheap at the local store.