O I should have said also. the girls in the flower room will be going under a more Red Spectrum with the far red LEDs. And turn on the light mover. Will be changing the lights right at the flip to flower to 12/12.
So with the more far red they will super stretch for lack of a better word. I'll be running the 31k cmh bulbs with the far-red technology leds attached to the reflector. Running light's like this for 3 weeks.
I'm making this up as I go. It just sounds like something fun to do now. Whatever

So for 3 weeks the far red everything deep as possible... Ok.
At the beginning of week 4 drop the temp to 72°f and introduce the 40k n 41k bulbs leave the far red LEDs and remove the 31k cmh bulb's. Ok.

Then at week 7 Drop the light to 9 on and 15 off 9/15. At the same time add deep blue high UV cmh light to the mix @2 hour's a day broke up in 15 minute increments for 10 day's..
Plants are 9 week flowering time. So the boss says.
Finely the last day's run the lights same as week 7 but without the UV until the harvest.