I Had a mostly good harvest from all plants but 1.
The Good The Bad and The Ugly.
The Sensi star was a complete loss I wasn't able to harvest anything off this plant. The mold the powdery mildew in the bud rot got to it before I got to it. And it was a complete loss. I expect that it was about a pound and a half of loss. a big plant Had very big buds on it and it's mostly liked in this region. The Sensi star from up North gave me about a half a pound little over of pretty good smoke and I've been smoking on it pretty good. but it's definitely the loss in the cage was complete and utter failure. It's still stands in the cage dead and brown along with the rest of the crop that I didn't Harvest. I did do a staged Harvest on all plants except for the Sensi star. So they're still plants out there with trikes on them and buds but I I already have 2 25 gallon totes that were Plum full didn't need anymore.
Black sugar is a good plant at least the smoke is anyways. Smokes pretty damn good it kind of reminds me of smoking good weed with molasses somehow on the side

I don't know how to explain it

but it has a real old smelling molasses. if you've ever let a jar of molasses get old n hard it's got that after smell when you open the jar. That's about it.
I'll have to add the rest of the crop in the cage in this category.
The strawberry sour d, sage and sour, Wi-Fi, Granddaddy Purple. These plant's were all problematic they all contracted p.m. and had to be treated constantly throughout the grow. Except I had a very hard time fighting the p.m. in this grow. The grow was a lot of work when it came down to the powdery mildew. Those of you who have followed my threads before know that my region is just Laden with powdery mildew and I cant get away from it at all. Very few plants that I grow don't get it in this yard. The wedding cake that I grew outside the cage in the yard got it a little bit but it didn't get it very much. And that particular cut seems to be a good cut. I still got that cut and growing it right now inside.
But the Fire og kush in the cage did get the pm but was able to fight it off pretty well like the wedding cake. This plant FOK it got it but the Lost Coast Plant Therapy is a great product and helped it holds it back pretty well on all the plants. But when the plant's get close to the end of time. These plants start losing their immunity to things. The powdery mildew is just so for lack of a better word thick as hell in my freaking neighborhood. There's not a damn thing I can do about it.

The Ugly
The bad and ugly
The Fire OG Kush and the Fire og kush HB S2 that was grown between the house n garage with only 4.5 hour's of full sunlight a day at the peek of summer. Both did very well. Although they both did contract the p.m. neither of them got it very bad. And was able to treat them normally as I would normally in this yard with the threat of p.m. everyday. Anytime the wind blows. LOL shit.

These 2 plants were definitely my queens of the yard. The Fire OG Kush from big head seeds a plant that was at its tallest point around 8 feet + and was wide by 9 1/2 ft by 9 1/2 ft. This plant gave me a very nice yield harvested of AAA bud of 2 pounds and a little bit of larf. The smoke from the Fire OG Kush in the yard and in the cage is exceptional.
The Fire OG Kush HB S2 this is a seed from the second time around hence the S2 that's from the plant from last year that a friend of mine gave me hence the HB which is his name. Seed from the year before that from a seed he got from a dispensary in Grand Rapids from a bud that he had bought there. The plant that I grew last year was the S1 seed and that plant was mostly like the plant that I grew this year with the seed from big head seeds of Fire OG Kush.
But the FOK HB S2 was big 10 x 10 wide 8 ft tall. She gave me a hell of a harvest of almost 3 lb of AAA Smoke. But the quality of smoke come to find out. Itt isn't as good as I would like but the judge is still out on this one. As I've mostly smoked only the lowers and not the upper buds. It kind of reminds me of older strains not as strong but yet still tasty. The bud's are mostly tite dank but not all of them.
It's hi is probably around the 14% or 15% t h c. The flavor was kind of piny and some Earth. Pretty sticky had a very strong trike count. But most of us that have been partaking of it have not thought it to be very strong. And so this will probably end up going into the butter or oil to make edibles.
The Good