Out to the farm lollipopping and trimming
@hecno click to open. For whatever reason yours didn't open up when I posted and I can't seem to make it open up but there's a message there for you
Thanks @DCLXVI

I know right the bear. Yeah it's kind of freaky to me too. But you know I'm kind of from the woods and the farm. But where I come from we had a lot of animals. But we didn't have bear. So it's kind of a new experience for me. But I'm not naive to the Bears whatsoever. I'm very cautious of them as I've never experienced an encounter with one yet. But I am well-versed on what to expect. I've ordered pepper spray bear spray.. I don't carry a gun but I do carry a spear with a short handle and a Long Blade on it. It's really the only defense I have other than machete or am I bladed gas trimmer.
I don't really want to kill the bear if I don't have to... but I will not be it's lunch either.
I guarantee that if it attacks me it's going to get hits just deserved. And will definitely not get it's lunch for free. I avoid her area at all cost but those Cubs will be curious here before too long. And all I can do is try to keep away from them if they decide to come into my area.
Over the weekend on Sunday night they had a When Animals Attack bear episode and it showed a lot of stuff on there with black bears brown bears and people telling about their stories. Definitely watched all of that.

Out to the farm where I work at part-time.
The farmer he's license to run 144 plants. He has the inside Harvest last week and the week before. Where we harvested about 46 plants total inside of the wedding cake strain.
At harvest we take the leaves off the stem and leave the buds on. Then we put them in large dryer boxes. The boxes have circulating fans in them and Screen shelves that product lay on. After a few days of being in the boxes or the hanging nets for about 7 day's. Then we come back out and D buck the mostly dried buds from the stem. After D-bucking all we come back through and Final Trim. That's his process and that's how we do it. At the farm.
So after the Harvest. I had to go out and lollipop and trim up the outside garden girl's where there's 24 girl's in the ground. ( A recap a little bit on the weather) we just had a terrible season this year. The whole month of July was there was only about 11 days of sun and the rest was overcast and rain mostly rain and the smoke from the wildfires out west. That have really put like a gray film over top of the Skies here in Michigan.
The farm girls are really starting to come back now that the sun has been out more. The farmer hasn't been watering like I prescribed him to do. The plants are a little bit behind because of that as well. So I watered deeply while I was working the girls. It helped them to spring back.
So they were looking pretty good when I was out there Saturday the last. About 6 hours after I was done and I took a few pictures.
Before trimming
So it took me about 12 hours to trim all these plants. I trimmed for AAA flower. That's where I take the first 2 bud nodes off on every branch to almost the top and all the very smallest branches and Bud sites off on every single branch and remove any branches that are maybe big in some people's eyes but they really won't produce a whole lot and I take those off as well. This Fosters massive growth towards the buds that you want to harvest. This allows all the nutrients to go where there really needed them to go and not have any little buds that you really don't want sucking up any of those valuable nutrients
So if I was trimming for making concentrates I would leave a lot more of the bud sites on and be taking off just the big hand leaves and suckers leaves. Where in this process for AAA bud we take all those little tiny buds sites off as well and small branches and branches that are in between small and the big ones. If that makes sense to y'all.
I know I know some people don't believe in trimming... but like any fruit tree " you have to prune for the best fruit"...
Now that's done I won't have to come back out here now to the farm for probably another 3 weeks thereabouts. I expect some time around the 15th that we should really see bud sign on everything in the garden some plants will show a little earlier and some plants will show a little later. Sometime between the 9th and the 15th we should see bud sign solid on the whole garden.
when I'll be coming back in 3 weeks then Ill just be taking off large leaves and few of the smaller bud sites that didn't develop biggly lol
from this trimming.
It should be a very good harvest. We will be putting Nets on these as well over top of the cage.
The plants didn't grow too big this year and that's probably going to be a good thing. Less chance for the p.m. to settle in and a little bit easier to manage.
But I sure wish the Sun and Rain would have cooperated mother nature would have gave us some really nice plants.
I like working big plants.

I love your thread ,you are always up to something interesting , don't know about the bears , The biggest thing I get is wild cattle ,![]()
Thanks. @hecno
I try to stay busy. I love growing the weed man.
It's something I found that I'm pretty good at.
I do have a lot going on this year that's for sure. This is as many plants as I've ever tried to run by myself and or for somebody else too. I guess in total I'm responsible for 36 plans to my own and 24 plants of his. But he's got a wife and a worker that do a little bit of work in the outside garden.
So I'm sure after they watch me a few times they'll be out there doing what I do too and cutting me out eventually as time goes on. That's how it usually works.![]()
BEARS!!! Yikes. That is a terrifying thought. I'm glad your thread got bumped. I really like looking at all the pictures you post. That space is amazing. I'm seriously jealous. You do suberb work as well managing all those plants. I see a couple of them have proper trunks, not even stems any more!
Thanks @DCLXVI

I know right the bear. Yeah it's kind of freaky to me too. But you know I'm kind of from the woods and the farm. But where I come from we had a lot of animals. But we didn't have bear. So it's kind of a new experience for me. But I'm not naive to the Bears whatsoever. I'm very cautious of them as I've never experienced an encounter with one yet. But I am well-versed on what to expect. I've ordered pepper spray bear spray.. I don't carry a gun but I do carry a spear with a short handle and a Long Blade on it. It's really the only defense I have other than machete or am I bladed gas trimmer.
I don't really want to kill the bear if I don't have to... but I will not be it's lunch either.

I guarantee that if it attacks me it's going to get hits just deserved. And will definitely not get it's lunch for free. I avoid her area at all cost but those Cubs will be curious here before too long. And all I can do is try to keep away from them if they decide to come into my area.
Over the weekend on Sunday night they had a When Animals Attack bear episode and it showed a lot of stuff on there with black bears brown bears and people telling about their stories. Definitely watched all of that.

Out to the farm where I work at part-time.
The farmer he's license to run 144 plants. He has the inside Harvest last week and the week before. Where we harvested about 46 plants total inside of the wedding cake strain.
At harvest we take the leaves off the stem and leave the buds on. Then we put them in large dryer boxes. The boxes have circulating fans in them and Screen shelves that product lay on. After a few days of being in the boxes or the hanging nets for about 7 day's. Then we come back out and D buck the mostly dried buds from the stem. After D-bucking all we come back through and Final Trim. That's his process and that's how we do it. At the farm.

So after the Harvest. I had to go out and lollipop and trim up the outside garden girl's where there's 24 girl's in the ground. ( A recap a little bit on the weather) we just had a terrible season this year. The whole month of July was there was only about 11 days of sun and the rest was overcast and rain mostly rain and the smoke from the wildfires out west. That have really put like a gray film over top of the Skies here in Michigan.
The farm girls are really starting to come back now that the sun has been out more. The farmer hasn't been watering like I prescribed him to do. The plants are a little bit behind because of that as well. So I watered deeply while I was working the girls. It helped them to spring back.
So they were looking pretty good when I was out there Saturday the last. About 6 hours after I was done and I took a few pictures.
Before trimming
So it took me about 12 hours to trim all these plants. I trimmed for AAA flower. That's where I take the first 2 bud nodes off on every branch to almost the top and all the very smallest branches and Bud sites off on every single branch and remove any branches that are maybe big in some people's eyes but they really won't produce a whole lot and I take those off as well. This Fosters massive growth towards the buds that you want to harvest. This allows all the nutrients to go where there really needed them to go and not have any little buds that you really don't want sucking up any of those valuable nutrients
So if I was trimming for making concentrates I would leave a lot more of the bud sites on and be taking off just the big hand leaves and suckers leaves. Where in this process for AAA bud we take all those little tiny buds sites off as well and small branches and branches that are in between small and the big ones. If that makes sense to y'all.
I know I know some people don't believe in trimming... but like any fruit tree " you have to prune for the best fruit"...
Now that's done I won't have to come back out here now to the farm for probably another 3 weeks thereabouts. I expect some time around the 15th that we should really see bud sign on everything in the garden some plants will show a little earlier and some plants will show a little later. Sometime between the 9th and the 15th we should see bud sign solid on the whole garden.
when I'll be coming back in 3 weeks then Ill just be taking off large leaves and few of the smaller bud sites that didn't develop biggly lol

It should be a very good harvest. We will be putting Nets on these as well over top of the cage.
The plants didn't grow too big this year and that's probably going to be a good thing. Less chance for the p.m. to settle in and a little bit easier to manage.
But I sure wish the Sun and Rain would have cooperated mother nature would have gave us some really nice plants.
I like working big plants.

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