Outdoor Growtogrow.. Michigan Unlimited multi strain organic grow

I had planned on running chickens in my garden up north.
I had acquired a automatic door opener for the chicken coop and a feeder and a watering barrel with nipples on it so they can feed and water themselves. it was going to be super easy.......then I discovered I had bears..... :yoinks: :shrug: :nono:
I do have a very high powered electric fence that I could use that's good for a 120 miles of 6.7 joules and 10 joules stored. it'll knock a bear down if I used bobwire type electric fencing wire
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but I don't have any power up there yet:shrug:the solar panels and Battery system that I wanted to buy earlier this year kind of got put to the side after both trucks broke down and I had to fix them. So that money kind of got alligated towards fixing the trucks. But I am working on it and hopefully next year I'll be able to run chickens up there.
Instead of going with the lithium iron phosphate batteries that I really wanted to go with as the price of those come down. if I buy the Chinese batteries I could get a 12v 100 amp hour batteries for around $500. a piece now. I could get away with using 2 of them. But I really wanted 4 of them. But for that same $500. bucks I can buy 4 lead acid batteries for marine or RV deep cycle with upto 50% discharge. which would last me about 4 to 7 years as long as I did proper maintenance to them. Maybe in that time I could build my own lithium iron phosphate batteries that are 90% discharge and 200 or more amp hour's each.
It will be nice to have power and not have to run a generator every time I want to do something Outsider the12volt Norm.
I've had quite a few of those at the farm. I always wrapped foil strips around the wire., curious deer would sniff the foil .......ONCE!
The biggest thing with electric fencing is to get the T-post or rebar deep into the soil for a good ground during drier times,
I've had quite a few of those at the farm. I always wrapped foil strips around the wire., curious deer would sniff the foil .......ONCE!
The biggest thing with electric fencing is to get the T-post or rebar deep into the soil for a good ground during drier times,
That's good idea with the foil. I might use that idea. :thumbsup:
At the farm store here I can get 4 barbed bobwire 1380 ft long for $48 a roll. If I get 2 rolls I can go around my whole fence about 8 times.
so I could have a few of those as ground wires and a few of them as hot wires..Jist like the prison fence... ZAP.!!!.. Ive got a lot of new standoff insulators for the hot wires they're about 8 inches long.
I can put grounds rods in a few more places around the fence and tied them to the ground wires. Then from the fencer to the ground I have a 6 foot long 1/2" copper rod to drive into the ground for the main ground. Also tied to the ground wires.. ZAP!!!
Northern land
The ladies are sleeping

In the rain
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I could hear the bear making her sound on the live sound of the camera.
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I have to go up early than I intended to.
The girl's have over grown already and need trimming again.

Sprayed the cage girl's and yard with potassium bicarbonate water for the very small amount of P.M. on the inter parts of the girl's.

2 day's Before trimming

So I worked in the cage garden today trimming again. It was over grown much more than I thought it would be in this short time of 12 day's.
I spent 2 hours trimming and manipulating. Pics tomorrow.


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After trimming
After trimming. 7 hour's and 3/4 of a bushels of clippings.
Only 12 day's since last trimming for the cage garden. All the rain and lack of sunlight it's making the girls through lots of leaves and extra little branches with leaves on them to capture as much sunlight as they can.
Because their natural instinct is telling them that they are in the shade and they have to get out to where the Suns at so they throw more solar panels so they can collect that light and stretch towards it.


:thumbsup: :smokeout::baked:
Granddaddy Purple Re-veged
So this was a bit of work. So the Granddaddy Purple from Ken's Originals. It was my mother seed plant so I took a bunch of clones off from this plant. So it was going to grow funny anyways and I expected that. Because of all the branches that I cut and made clones from all of those would be a split branches. I knew I'd have lots of branches on it...but the damn thing Re-veged. And through branches and little single leaves everywhere. Damn nightmare to freaking try and trim out the way it was. Now it's compounded by revegging ugh.

:pop: :nono: :cuss::bong:

Before trimming

After trimming this one. A lot of trimming with this Re-veged plant.

7/20/21 @ the Northern land
I was up Tuesday and Wednesday to do some trimming and manipulating the girls.

Before trimming

I don't have pictures of after trimming right now. Of all the girls. I had to rush home and fix something here at the house is broke while I was away. I'm going back up today to finish my trimming and caging the girls. Had a couple of the plants that re-vegged and required a lot of trimming. I"ll update the pics of these plants in a couple days when I get more time and come back from up north :cheers: :pass: :vibes: :baked:
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Granddaddy purple 6 day's after major trimming event
The Granddaddy Purple had ravaged bad this year. I'm inserting the upper post of the Granddaddy Purple before trimming.
So this was a bit of work. So the Granddaddy Purple from Ken's Originals. It was my mother seed plant so I took a bunch of clones off from this plant. So it was going to grow funny anyways and I expected that. Because of all the branches that I cut and made clones from all of those would be a split branches. I knew I'd have lots of branches on it...but the damn thing Re-veged. And through branches and little single leaves everywhere. Damn nightmare to freaking try and trim out the way it was. Now it's compounded by revegging ugh.

:pop: :nono: :cuss::bong:

Before trimming
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After trimming this one. A lot of trimming with this Re-veged plant.
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After trimming 6 days later pics.

Quick pics of the rest of the garden

I gave all the girls in the yard Garden and the cage 5 gallons of aerated rainwater each. And each of the potted auto girl's got two and a half gallons of water. I have one other potted girl that is a wedding cake expensive cut. From The Farmer I work for. It's pot ( I don't have a picture of ). The soil in that pot is a new mix for me and I had too much clay in it. It holds water well but it doesn't allow the roots to flow and it was very hard hard. I haven't watered it in about 2 weeks. It took a minute for that water to soak in. The next mix I make of this type will have at least a third less clay in it. And I'll try it again. But the girl is very healthy looking. I'll have pics of it next time.:vibes::cheers::pass::baked:
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The cage n yard girl's
The cage is filling up :thumbsup: the girls are all looking well. But the black sugar is looking better. She not the best looking plant Ive seen. I think she'll do better after flowering starts. She'll need another trim or 2.

Some quick pics


The yard girl's are doing good. They're on track to a nice harvest.

BEARS!!! Yikes. That is a terrifying thought. I'm glad your thread got bumped. I really like looking at all the pictures you post. That space is amazing. I'm seriously jealous. You do suberb work as well managing all those plants. I see a couple of them have proper trunks, not even stems any more!