Yeah there's a few. 32 plus the first 3. Also there still another 5 waiting to grow long enough to take 2 clones each. I need a lot before I'm done.Dasa bunch!
I'm just gonna plop a few cutting dipped in clonex in some media with some malted barley juice in the media.
I am getting the outside crop ready. Doing plant selection now.
Near mid next month start growing the selected outside plants for the cage grow. Then in April start growing the selected outside plant's for the north property grow.
My time is limited now. So I got the air cloner because of the 99% of success rate there known for. I haven't had good luck all the time cloning. (Hit and miss to much.) The guy I work for has a air cloner and hardily losses any clones.
I need to be on point this year.
Can't another spring like last year ugh.
I was scrabbling around trying to get good clones around for myself and my people. Most of them got seed plant's last year. Clones just kept dying on me.
Luckily I had a lot of S1 seeds kept back.

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