Outdoor Growtogrow.. Michigan Unlimited multi strain organic grow

Glad to hear you made it through pretty good there smokey. :whew:
So you're going to grow through the winter time then down there? Your temperatures where you're at don't get all that cold really do they?
:pass:Thanks GTG mate ! I feel for the poor people with burnt out yards, it wont look pretty for sometime i guess. Winter is pretty mild up this way, so parts of Australia is cold but even the Australian Alps would not get as cold as certain areas in the US. 69F for winter here and mornings under 40F are not common, plus plants are undercover at night to keep dew off them esp if blooming. Downside is less light hours should get around 6- 7hrs direct sun here in the valley.
The light mover is working great.
But one of the new double 315/630 remote cmh ballas went down on one side.
So I will use 2 400w hps to replace it until I can buy new cmh and far red LEDs.
With the covid19. The shipping is spotty...? Will order anyway.
Lucky I still have time to send the one that went down back. :whew:

The hps lights throw off a lot of heat... Will add a AC to the flower room next week if I need to.. ? Won't know if I'll need it :shrug:but to have it in place just in case.
Nice glad to see you back at it again friend if you got a chance I'm growing in the organic section my light dep is running again got some definitely interesting exotic an a couple ol school classics .
The light mover is working great.
But one of the new double 315/630 remote cmh ballas went down on one side.
So I will use 2 400w hps to replace it until I can buy new cmh and far red LEDs.
With the covid19. The shipping is spotty...? Will order anyway.
Lucky I still have time to send the one that went down back. :whew: View attachment 1169638View attachment 1169639View attachment 1169640View attachment 1169641View attachment 1169642
The hps lights throw off a lot of heat... Will add a AC to the flower room next week if I need to.. ? Won't know if I'll need it :shrug:but to have it in place just in case.
Thats pretty darn cool bud.
Thanks. I ordered 2 new CMH ballases and 3000k bulbs.
Nice glad to see you back at it again friend if you got a chance I'm growing in the organic section my light dep is running again got some definitely interesting exotic an a couple ol school classics .
Thats pretty darn cool bud.

Got 2 new 315cmh.
Still need 1 more. But will use the 1 400w hps.
I did the math on 75 days of flour with all six lights being it 315w CMH with four lights being on all the time and two lights fluctuating every 2 hours on and off. I run my flower room at 13 hours on 11 hours off. I still have to upgrade to the far deep red LEDs which may not be for a few months or until the next flower grow. As I'm pretty well tapped out right now on my play money. But no big deal I have 3000k CMH lights the one HPS and two or three 41k CMH lights so I'll be good.


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You spending all your time indoor buddy, i been working outside put these 14 day old mephisto out. Was 90 degrees today. Please bro throw away that black kow and get some Malibu. Bugs in that black kow last year. Takk you soon bro


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