Outdoor Growtogrow.. Michigan Unlimited multi strain organic grow

Got excellent bud sign. Some of the girls have large buttons. The buds are looking nice. The frozen Coke that re-veged looks to have some of the nicest buds so far.

Frozen Coke

Runtz muffin is looking awesome. She's got some nice little buttons on her some are the size of a quarter already. I'll probably have to watch her close as her buds are tight looking. I expect them to be dense and that would promote a good environment for Bud rot. We're looking at humidity the next couple of days but it's going to go right back down again to the cool temperatures so as they grow I'll have to watch them close.

Runtz muffin

Biscotti mint is also throwing out some nice buds and bud structure. Again though they are going to be tight I believe I'll have to watch these buds pretty closely as well for Bud rod as they get larger and bigger and we get more humidity rain and cooler temperatures.

Biscotti mint

The Super lemon is looking awesome buds are just starting to appear on her.

I had two more males that I had to pull out. They were beautiful plants if I was a pollen chucker I would have kept them. They were beautiful huge monster plants. That if I would have really took care of them they would have been bigger male plants. But it is what it is and they're dead now.

Fire OG Kush is looking good.
You can see a lot of this plant and the Citrus super Haze as well as the skunk hero 22 F1 in the auto/photo 2023 show and grow comp thread.

Fire OG Kush

Skunk hero 22 F1

Citrus super Haze

In front Wedding cake/ next Sherb cake.

RS-11 the plant behind Tyson.
To the left Skunk Hero 22 F1, to the right Fire OG Kush, further right biscotti mint, further right, Runtz muffin

These pics are all after I did a hard pruning. I pruned them very hard the girls have responded very nicely. The pics are 24 hours later after pruning. :toke: :bump::smokeout::cheers:
:yay::smokeit:The girls are looking awesome Brother , thats a good idea to prune and reduce popcorn, i hope to do this next grow, Great to see Tyson looking well, he looks super happy in the last pic wth all the girls lined up
@Growtogrow did you guys get the storms last night? How's your plants hold up? We got gusts like 60mph and my poor plants got whipped around pretty good
Yeah Darren we got whipped around pretty good here too. Yeah I'm still without power. We haven't lost power in 13 years at least not for over a few minutes at a time anyways. This is the first time it's actually went down well it'll be like 24 hours I guess before they get it back on I was just on my way to the gas station to get some gas and another power cord cuz I got all my power cords up at the construction site. But I got to get my refrigerators up and working again save a groceries I got in them you know. But I'll have some pics up with the plants here later on they look good though I was out surveyed him a little bit ago I didn't lose anything no branches broken or nothing and I haven't really supported them yet I still haven't got the nets up.
:yay::smokeit:The girls are looking awesome Brother , thats a good idea to prune and reduce popcorn, i hope to do this next grow, Great to see Tyson looking well, he looks super happy in the last pic wth all the girls lined up
Long time no read smokey. Glad to see you're back. it's been a long time got a lot of catching up to do brother. I've had many grows since you were here last. Hope you're well down under.
@Growtogrow did you guys get the storms last night? How's your plants hold up? We got gusts like 60mph and my poor plants got whipped around pretty good
Didn't do too bad here Darren. Plants look good everybody's happy and healthy so far so good didn't break too many branches I don't think I broke any. Did pick up a cicada though that's cleaning pretty tight to the plant I couldn't pull him off without breaking him.
Long time no read smokey. Glad to see you're back. it's been a long time got a lot of catching up to do brother. I've had many grows since you were here last. Hope you're well down under.
hey GTG, its great to be back brother. I know i have lots to catch up on with your grows , love the last photos, and the cool cicada
As we were thinking the lightning and nitrogen uptake in the cannabis plant may be true?

The girls have grown in 24 hours about 3 in. Some of them a little bit more some of them a little bit less but thereabouts for an average.

They're very healthy looking the storm was quite bad for my area. We were without power for about 3 days and a half. I use the generator to keep my water aerated along with keeping my house and Frozen goods kept with power. I was pretty amazed that it didn't use but about 3 gallons of gas in 2 days of use. Running about 12 to 14 hours a day. I was able to watch TV, crank up the stereo, run 2 refrigerators and 1 freezer, and couple of fans and a light or 2. It really didn't put a hard pull on my little genny. :cheers:

I still haven't got the nets up yet. Really hasn't got a lot of weight on these plants but I'll make an assertive effort to try and get them up this week I have a lot going on this week with the storm setting me back as much as it has on other projects.

It looks like the girls need a trimming already. They're getting kind of shaggy again.

I think that whole nitrogen thing and lightning is a true fact because they really bushed out in this same 24 hours.

They look very good green and healthy. Some of them are showing good bud sign.

The frozen Coke is looking pretty well the bud structure is odd but coming along.

The Biscotti mint, the bud structure looks awesome.
I really like that plant and how it's laying itself out right now.


Also the Runts muffin her bud structure looks very nice. I like it a lot.


Fire OG Kushes are doing well and have put on some more size. Buds are finely starting to pop.

Skunk Hero 22 F1
Is looking good but it's different than last year's girl. She seems to be a little more bushier and a little more work has to be done with the trimming. More than I had last year. But the structure seems to be pretty close to the same buds are laying out nicely still.


Citrus super Haze
He's doing spectacular I can't say enough about this plant it's beautiful. The buds aren't quite popping yet . But they are coming around they're starting to come on. They're just it's sativa so it may take a little longer and it may go a little longer. I think last year I harvested it just before Halloween.


(Knock on wood) I haven't had any issues this year.
No p.m., no bugs, no weird stuff. Better knock on wood again. Lol



That's a good thing.

"I hope" 🙏

We still haven't got to the end of the road yet (bud rot) is still a big deal.🤬 We'll have to see how the story writes itself to the end.

I haven't gave the girls any food but only water in quite some time. They've been living on the soil and a little top dressing that I gave them a few weeks back with the tea. That's it nothing else.

I thought about throwing some more bone meal and some insect frass to them but by the time it breaks down and gets to them.

But if I put it in a warm or a hot tea it would probably break down quicker, after it cools I could give it to the girls and they probably get it pretty quick. The microbe life would love it, I supposed that would be fine and I may just do that.

Thanks for stopping by :vibes::worship::toke::chimp:


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Well taking note of some of these girls now !

The Runtz muffin is looking awesome... :drool:

Nice looking plant ? Good looking bud structure on that Runtz mint

Also the Biscotti mint
nice Bud structure on this girl.


So I like these 2 plants a lot so far. :cooldance: Keeping fingers crossed for now. I'll be watching the Runtz muffin clouse for Bud rot. Her buds are a little closer together and may end up with more moisture trapped in between them so I'll watch them closely..:toke::headbang::vibes::cheers::baked: