Hey smokey

Yeah the weather here is up and down all the time. As you watched my grow last year it's just all over the place here in the spring. I'll bet the
@greenhornet has a lot of funky weather up there in his area. He's up in the tip of the thumb of the mitten of Michigan. He's got water on both sides of him.
But we get a lot of unusual weather because we got big Lake Michigan to our West so everything that comes across from Wisconsin gets changed a little bit before it gets here usually.
Like we get something called lake effect snow all the time here in the early winter and early spring and any year that the big lake doesn't freeze up good.
Do you have any farms around you where you can get manure?
Sheep shit works particularly well goat, horses, cow, pigs, and chicken all those manure"s... shit I bet even kangaroos shits got some kind of quality to it.
Mixing the manures along with the yard waste table waste pretty much anything that's organic that will break down in time is good to make compost with. Mix that with your native soil and keep stirring it all the time and you'll have compost before too long and that makes the best soil you can get. Taking and transform your native soil into some awesome soil.
Just before you plant Add some vermiculite to that P Stone lava rock or azomite and a few other amendments blood meal bone meal humic acid Dolomite lime or garden lime and a little bit of Epsom salts occasionally here and there along the way and you'll have some pretty good soil.
you don't really get winner winner down there anyways so you can probably make compost year round. ompost doesn't make to well when it's freezing.