Seed Stockers Growtogrow dose Seed Stockers seeds O.G.Kush Auto

Nice explanation.
Now I am 100% sure that soil is too damned complicated ;)
LoL... no man that's funny. No isn't complicated at all it's really easy that's why I do it I'm a lazy ass farmer dude lol for real I don't like to fuk with all that Hydro mixing this it and make sure you got the right pH ppm's and holy shit F that stuff brother nope give me a simple super soil that they're easy to make and you water it and leave it alone let it go it's so easy even a caveman can do it LOL

Bring on the show, hope soil is not to hot for little baby Kush.
Hey Mongol... [emoji481][emoji482]
Oh I didn't use any hardcore nitrogen. But I use blood meal.
I didn't use any bird guano so it should be pretty good the blood meals breaking down slowly.
I usually do stuff in layers but this batch. I didn't do in layers I mixed it all but usually I would do them in layers where I would have nutrients at the bottom for flowering and at the top for vegging but because it's an auto I really didn't want to do that I just mixed it all together and left a bird guano out and I used a lot of natural soils. I did that rather than using like Fox Farms Ocean Forest that's one of my favorite soils to use and I do use it for almost everything but I switched up this year and trying more off the shelf organic soil is from other vendors the soil that this is is actually Miracle-Gro but it's all organic natural so trying that out with some organic topsoil that I found and you know all my other little amendments that I add to that stuff to make shit happen..

Second update pre battle post.. it's really cold my grow room temperatures are hard to keep above 65 I think this is slowing down the growth of all my girls this little girl needs a lot of love and some heat.


Was dealing with some low ass temps here too,Hope she picks up for ya :smoking:
Thanks [emoji481][emoji482] Me too..
It got down to -17°f and a wind chill of -28°f. I shut my upstairs off to save heat.

She is about to get an up grade in lighting. I am thinking of getting another cmh light for the veg room.[emoji482]
