Sure seems like a good idea to me. With the easy2 system the pots r close to gether but train them apart as they grow and u should be good. Growpito should be used on its own no need to mix anything in. Also u can take some growpito and make a seed starter out of it or put in netpot.
Thanks for the reply.
Yeah, the 2 buckets are a bit too close together (about 1 ft center to center), but I'll be planting them off center, so the plant-to-plant distance will be about 18 inches. In a 48 inch wide tent, that will leave about 15 inches between plants and walls. Plants too close in a single reservoir was a trade-off I made willingly.
My plants have been getting too big in DWC, so I'm trying to stunt them a little.
This is a test grow that won't bother me too much if it goes bad.
I'm trying to find the easiest possible setup, and don't mind sacrificing a little quality for ease of operation.
I'm also considering starting the system from day 1, and using RapidRooters in some fashion, while mostly avoiding top feeding.
It will take some trial and error, but I'm considering putting sprouted RRs either directly onto a small amount of Growpito in the bottom of a mostly empty wet bucket, or using netpots with hydroton, as in hydro, then adding to the medium under the bucket day by day as the roots lengthen.
The object is to get the roots to the bottom of the 7 3/4 inch tall buckets as quickly as possible. Short buckets is another reason I chose 2.2 gal instead of 3.9 gal. Growing into the lights can be mostly avoided using a short setup. This one's only 8 inches tall.