Lighting GROWNORTHERN The Manual.

thanks man for reply ..i forgot to add my space is secret jardin ds60 i had there 250hps but it's almost imposible to grow in summer. i have it in my loft. so i need a led for my medicine. btw do autoflowers have more cbd than photoperiod strains ?
Planning on hybridising 1 MS0006 with 2 Rebel Pods, with my new tent I have a veg and flower room now, so will 1 be enough for my flower tent whichis 55x100x180 ?
This thread is just BITCHEN!! Thanks for sharing all your experience and knowledge with us, especially noobies like me. I'm a grateful man.
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Hey guys, wanna ask what timers do you use for controlling the light cycles with the GNs? Mechanical or electronic?
Someone here showed melted electrical timer switching on/off his led's. For that reason i've never got one and was using mechanical but for different reasons i've changed 3 of them. One didn't turn off all the electrical current and even though it was off time and it was dark in the tent it was visible that the diods are just dimmed and not off. Second one just stopped turning the power on, and the third was turning on/off every 15 min...
Are the electrical timers safe with our lights?
I had a power surge problem when i used my LEDs on timers.... Mainly that they would not turn off, but now i use contactors and havent had that problem since......:Sharing One:
Hey guys, wanna ask what timers do you use for controlling the light cycles with the GNs? Mechanical or electronic?
Someone here showed melted electrical timer switching on/off his led's. For that reason i've never got one and was using mechanical but for different reasons i've changed 3 of them. One didn't turn off all the electrical current and even though it was off time and it was dark in the tent it was visible that the diods are just dimmed and not off. Second one just stopped turning the power on, and the third was turning on/off every 15 min...
Are the electrical timers safe with our lights?

After having same problems as you, I had bought these parts

Timer 1.jpg
and electrician put them together for me
Timer 2.jpg

In this box contactor is separated from timer and still 6 times more capable as I need, just to be sure.

I bought it after consultation with electricians. It costs about 60€ but this is reliable device to protect your grow and lights especially if you are not around all the time. I am sure you get it cheaper but I had asked in specialized store which timer and contactor people rarely bring back broken and was offered german Schneider for two critical parts. Box and socket are not so important.

About "turning all electricity off":

When I tried this timer for the first time, I prepared it and it ran lights. Then I turned timer forward to switch off. Total darkness except litlle light in diods. And surprisingly light did not disappear after switching both parts of the light off with button. Oh, my God,what kind of shit I had bought again, I though and called electrician.

You have most probably not connected it well, he said. Just turn it in the socket. I did and everything was all right (should be as on the left picture).


So might be that your timer just needed to be turned around in socket and you would have not seen any light in diods. But it would still remain unreliable one.
I had a power surge problem when i used my LEDs on timers.... Mainly that they would not turn off, but now i use contactors and havent had that problem since......:Sharing One:

Yep I do the same bro, have both my lights run through duel contractors with a timer and no problems.

BTW, I use a plug and grow timer that's still going strong, and it's good for 1000w HPS so my 370w is all good
I just use cheapo segment timers from Wilkinson's they are only 4 or 5 quid they are fine with 1 light plugged but 2 knocks them out, i bought one from the grow shop twice the price and that was the same....I have plenty of contactors from my HPS

TaNg are the rumours correct about GN soon launching a new unit using Rebels????
TaNg are the rumours correct about GN soon launching a new unit using Rebels????

Yeah, I tryed to ring GN the other day but no answer, I want to know how the price compares to 3 rebel pods.