Live Stoner Chat GrowillaGorilla's Wife looking for help are in the right place, loads of info already from some professor's of pain management here, I am a recreational + medical grower in the UK......I don't think I knew Tom but all the same, I am blown away by the amount he has had to endure, and although I don't believe I can be much help from here......anything I can do, is not too much trouble......I hope you get all the help you need and more, and I will keep watching this thread or if you start a journal on AFN to see if there is anything I can do.....the community on AFN is a fantastic group and I am sure you will have all you need in no time at all, to give Tom the pain relief he needs:smiley1:

EDIT:.....I hope this reads ok, I read thru thing a few times before I post up haha.....and to Tom, we will have your lady Heather popping beans and growing soon as poss dude:d5:
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I just recieved my third order from Linda Seeds. Great people to do business with and their economy seeds are excellent. High;y recommended!

I just completed an order from Linda's Seeds and they have some of the best pricing i have found. I bought a lot of the Linda branded seeds some for less than 2 bucks a piece.
Thank you guys so much for the mountain of info and help to point me in the right direction. Sorry, it has taken me so long to get back to you guys..he had a very rough night last night and early morning. I'll be looking all the info up today and hauling the tent out of the mini house...I would grow in there but it's in the 40-30s here now and that's a little too chilly...thank goodness for an extra bedroom!
In my personal experience when I am chasing medicinal relief from my cannabis use I like to bend it 50/50 with a 14%CBD or higher hemp
me2, getting good relief mixing Dinamed about 50/50 with my high THC strains. The THC/CBD combo strains work best for me. 1:1 and 1:2 thc:cbd strains good meds for my overuse injuries.
Hey Heather, big sigh! My wife, Sharon, suffered a traumatic brain Injury in 2000. It's been a battle for her ever since. Insomnia and pain have been her daily dose. The same strains that work for my overuse osteo stuff work for her, although she needs more to achieve some relief. What I'm always looking for in canna is a pronounced peripheral circulation boost. This isn't a cardio bump, but more a nerve synapses thing. Most strains I grow seem to have this to some degree. When a plant gives good circ boost my pain is immediately lessened, or is gone; till I over do it , which is a sure thing for my age and lifestyle, subsistence camper. When I mix high CBD and high THC I usually find the sweet spot I'm looking for. Full body release of tension helps the attitude. I can really see this in Sharon, it's dramatic. That tingly circ boost coursing through the bod and marinating the brain puts a big smile on. Someone mentioned photos for clones, probably a good idea for the long haul. Find a plant that works and keep the meds growing. I said plant not strain because In my experience not every plant ina strain will be equal in boost. Every body, every plant unique. The thing about finding more than one as a countermeasure to tolerance build is a good plan. Be sure to take some time to turn the love and caring you pour on Tom and bathe a little. Everything resting on your shoulders!, I feel for ya
Welcome, you are among friends here. I've been a caregiver for a quadriplegic for 33 years now. I've seen almost everything you're going through, including MERSA infection, blood clots, chronic UTIs, mini strokes...every imaginable pain killer/opiate/sedative/blood thinner....

Have you considered a full spectrum tincture? Easy to make, easy to get into his system.

Please PM me if you every need to talk about anything.

Blessings to you both,
You guys have honestly been the best most understand group of people I have come across in a long time. It truly warms my heart. I was really just expecting a little advice on where to buy seeds but you guys have gone above and beyond and it's nice to see I'm not alone in this struggle. As I'm sure most of you know who are in a similar situation; it's the hardest thing in the world watching someone you love
suffer and not being able to do a damn thing about it. It's the most helpless feeling in the whole world! Cannabis is the only thing I have seen with my own two eyes that worked for his medical issues. I just praying it works just as well now with all these added health issues. It can't hurt that's for sure and is a hell of a lot safer than all the opioids, muscle relaxers, and depression medication (which he has never had to take even being paralyzed he was always happy go lucky but I'm guessing between the removal of the tumor and the stroke it's done a number on his brain). The amount of pills he has to take a day scares the hell out of me and he HATES pills! So if I can get him some relief and cut down the number of pills he has to take it will be worth any risk I have to take. It's just me and him as our family lives out of state and we don't have friends who live near us so the chances anyone would find out we're growing takes the risk factor down a lot. Well, other than posting on this forum I don't see how anyone would ever know. Sorry I'm babbling I don't get much sleep any more lol I just really wanted to thank you all so very much. You guys have been fabulous and I plan on learning as much as I can from you all so my first solo grow goes as smooth as possible.

@trailanimalI would LOVE to know how to make the tinctures! I know he smoked it before but with him being a non-smoker taking it orally would probably be way better on his lungs. I'm not sure of the risks of smoking cannabis so if there is none please excuse my ignorance on the subject.

Again, Thank you to each and every one of you! You have made me feel at home and given me so much valuable advice and I look forward to getting to know all of you as I embark on this journey.
Is that Short Stuff's Amnesia CBD? If so, that's an excellent strain, and probably one of the best to come from Short Stuff! Has a pretty good THC kick to it also.
It is.
You guys have honestly been the best most understand group of people I have come across in a long time. It truly warms my heart. I was really just expecting a little advice on where to buy seeds but you guys have gone above and beyond and it's nice to see I'm not alone in this struggle. As I'm sure most of you know who are in a similar situation; it's the hardest thing in the world watching someone you love
suffer and not being able to do a damn thing about it. It's the most helpless feeling in the whole world! Cannabis is the only thing I have seen with my own two eyes that worked for his medical issues. I just praying it works just as well now with all these added health issues. It can't hurt that's for sure and is a hell of a lot safer than all the opioids, muscle relaxers, and depression medication (which he has never had to take even being paralyzed he was always happy go lucky but I'm guessing between the removal of the tumor and the stroke it's done a number on his brain). The amount of pills he has to take a day scares the hell out of me and he HATES pills! So if I can get him some relief and cut down the number of pills he has to take it will be worth any risk I have to take. It's just me and him as our family lives out of state and we don't have friends who live near us so the chances anyone would find out we're growing takes the risk factor down a lot. Well, other than posting on this forum I don't see how anyone would ever know. Sorry I'm babbling I don't get much sleep any more lol I just really wanted to thank you all so very much. You guys have been fabulous and I plan on learning as much as I can from you all so my first solo grow goes as smooth as possible.

@trailanimalI would LOVE to know how to make the tinctures! I know he smoked it before but with him being a non-smoker taking it orally would probably be way better on his lungs. I'm not sure of the risks of smoking cannabis so if there is none please excuse my ignorance on the subject.

Again, Thank you to each and every one of you! You have made me feel at home and given me so much valuable advice and I look forward to getting to know all of you as I embark on this journey.
Vaping, no smoke, easy on the pipes and, for me, delivers what I need, good circ boost. For late night I find the smoked meds give more sedative effect than vaped. @AltheGardener 's full spec tincture seems a good try for non smoker and could get lots of meds into his body.