Live Stoner Chat GrowillaGorilla's Wife looking for help

Thank you so much for your help and tips. He is unable to walk due to being hit by a drunk driver and paralyzed right out of the Marine corp 22yrs ago. I have him on a low flow bed but will be getting a sand flow in the next week or so. I have foam wedges that I use to turn him my alarm is set for every two hours to change position then mutipal times a day I streach his limbs (except for right arm). The wound itself is finally on the mend but they said with as many debridements as he had it could take up to 6mo (because it's soooo deep). I'm just trying to keep our room as sterile and clean as possible. His dressing they have set to change every 2 days using Saline wound wash, then putting Puracol on the wound then packing with gauze as the wet to dry with agadex wasn't working. After the stem cell treatment, we started actually seeing some progress in the healing! Its been a month now since the last infection (he got that in the hospital) and so far so good. His speech is getting better every day but he has aphasia and apraxia from the stroke. We work with flashcards, songs, and just spend the day yacking back and forth. PT couldn't work with him because of him being paralyzed. OT won't work with him because his arm is hypersensitive due to the's actually what is causing the excruciating pain right now if you so much as brush it with your fingertips he screams out. :sad: I use thebands for his left arm once a day but his right arm I'm at a loss of what to do and no one seems to be able to help. I keep a stuffed toy or towel in his hand to keep his fingers from curling but if it comes out durning the night they claw and straining them back out is sooo painful and it almost sounds/feels like something grinding popping when I straighten them back out (it's happened 3x) I go really slow and even tried CBD cream but its just awful! He can still swallow taking up to 6 meds in the morning, 5 evening, and 6 at night...then pain meds every 4hrs as needed.

As for the tent, it's out in the shed (mini-house) I believe its a 32"x32"x63" and the light is a bloomspec 600w. We do not live in a legal state which is why I resorted to buying hemp flower high CBD but did not have ANY luck with it working at all. I tried 3 different strains before I gave up because it's not cheap here and felt like I was throwing good money after bad. I know he used to grow and smoke purple kush and sour diesel for pain but I can't afford that much for seeds so if there is something comparable to that I would love to know what strain it is. I know the purple kush worked wonders when I smoked it when having arthritis flair ups. Not sure if something like that or along those lines would be the best for him now.

First and foremost I want to tell you that I am sorry for everything you have been through. I am a physical therapist who has seen hundreds of post stroke patients. I can totally understand your situation, and your husband deserves to have some relief. So stroke pain can be neurological and physical. A strain that helps with MS and pain would be ideal. A high CBD strain will help with pain and inflammation. THC can help with pain as well, but will get him HiGH. I personally would suggest getting a photo strain, so you can clone, that you know is high in CBD and is known to help with pain and spasms. A pure Indica plant is good for pain relief.

But I have a few more concerns about your husband. If he got an infection, that is most important to take care of and to avoid in the future. If you are taking care of him by yourself, please take the time to give him pressure relief. Meaning don't let him sit or lay in 1 position for too long. Pressure can cause a sore and lead to infection. Not saying your u are doing anything wrong, just wanted to let you know how to avoid them. If he is in a wheelchair, is he able to stand or walk? If so, stand him up to help relieve pressure and build muscle. You want to avoid pressure. Is he able to move in bed by himself? Does he have physical and occupational therapy? They will help you with these situations.

How is his speech? Can he swallow and eat whole foods? You can make him edibles witch will typically help more than smoking/vaping. You can make pills, chocolate, tincture or even infused milk if he is able to swallow liquids. Avoid things that you have to chew, like gummies. Do you live in a legal state? We can all help you get going. I will personally help you out as much as possible. 1st thing to do is to gather your grow supplies and get set up. The filter is what they smashed. It keeps the smells out of the house. Let me know the size of the tent and what kind of lights. We can get you an Auto strain to start immediately and find a photo strain that you can Clone if it helps him out. We have to get your stuff hooked up and test the temps and humidity. Once we dial your tent, we can start seeds or find clones. But answer my 100 questions the best way you can. Find out if he likes certain strains. The sooner you hook up that tent, the sooner we can all help. I will be here for you anytime. Feel free to PM me if you have personal questions. I know what you and Tom are going through, I have treated hundreds of stroke patients. So feel free to ask me questions about more than just growing. Take care, slowandeasy

Hello there, my name is Heather I'm (Tom) GrowillGarilla wife. He used to love talking with you guys so I thought this might be the best place to come and ask for advice. For those that didn't know Tom, he was a paralyzed former Marine who finally found pain relief and peace with his constant spasms thanks to cannabis and this group.

My husband was diagnosed with brain cancer in July and had surgery to remove the tumor. Sadly he suffered a stroke during the procedure and can no longer read or type. To add to that they kept him on the wrong mattress and did not turn him which resulted in bedsore that ended up getting infected with an antibiotic resent strain that caused him a 2mo stay in the hospital that led to 2 more debridement surgeries because he developed an abscess under the skin of the wound. At this point, it's down to the bone but finally on the mend. He also lost the use of his right arm and ended up with blood clots that are so agonizingly painful he wakes up screaming in pain. My husband is not one to complain about pain I call him my tuff guy but I have never seen him like this and it breaks my heart every single day. Though his speech is getting better every day he is in constant pain despite the number of pain meds they have him on. They seem to be causing more issues than they help and he HATES taking them but at this point, they are a necessary evil as he's tried not taking them at all but the pain was too much to bear, so they are helping take the edge off a bit.

My question is does anyone know the best strain I can use to help him with his pain that won't break the bank? With him being unable to care for himself I'm unable to work as I'm his 24/7 caregiver and Alabama voted down spouses being able to be paid for caregiving so were living off of under $800 a month. We're very lucky we own our home so don't have that expense but things are extremely tight right now. I just can't stand to see him like this and I watched the wonders of cannabis first hand when he switched to it before.

I do have a small tent left and lighting that we had packed up and put up once we got our big tent and quantum board lights. When he was diagnosed with cancer his family came down from Ohio. I was staying at the hospital with him so I made the mistake of letting them stay at our house. They found out we were growing and needless to say, they didn't agree with it. They chopped down all his plants, threw out all of our seed bank, trashed our tent, crushed the big silver cylinder thing with charcoal that helped filter and ventilates? (sorry have no idea what it's called it was his setup and baby), and smashed his big lighting board. Under the pretense that home health searches your whole house and wouldn't let him come home when they found it. All that was, of course, a lie. Home health is in the home no more than 15min and only comes to his room on the other end of the house.:mad: but I digress..sorry still pissed about that months later. I have limited growing knowledge myself but have been reading a ton and watching tons of growing videos plus I grew a few plants with him, fed and watered when he was unwell and did some trimming. But I'm pretty sure I need something that is still beginner-friendly in growing but is strong enough to help with his pain. Any info you guys could give me would be extremely helpful!

heya heather, i'm 420 :toke: first of all, i didn't know tom, but want to offer my sincerest condolencez for all that's happened to u...secondly, and more to the point, i'm one of the live chat moderatorz here, and i want u to know that i'm gonna put a call out to all of me chat peepz asap to try & get u some help in whatever way i can...u have my word on that :thumbsup: in the meantime, plz feel free to pm me any time ;) ppp


@Arthur @Mañ'O'Green @Jraven @trailanimal and i'll tag more as i think of em ;)
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All of you are going to make me leak! I was just expecting a few pointers but all of you have been so amazing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You guys have no idea how much all this means to me. I just want to see him be able to sleep again and go through the day with his pain under control...hell I would take halfass under control at this point. Again thank you all for your kind words and help <3

heya heather, i'm 420 :toke: first of all, i didn't know tom, but want to offer my sincerest condolencez for all that's happened to u...secondly, and more to the point, i'm one of the live chat moderatorz here, and i want u to know that i'm gonna put a call out to all of me chat peepz asap to try & get u some help in whatever way i can...u have my word on that :thumbsup: in the meantime, plz feel free to pm me any time ;) ppp

Damn a drunk driver taking down a devil dog.. that sux- as a former warrior with a brain injury my empathy goes out to you.
I have had good results with a strain called Suger black rose and you are looking for the Indica Pheno for the pain relief and the sativa pheno for assistance with the brain issues.
I took some time and found one of each and keep them on clone for those exact reasons. very easy to grow and the fast version flowers in about 6 weeks give or take.
I will have a look and see if I have any seeds left over as I dont think a clone will make it through the post from this country to yours lol.
Hi Heather: I do not know your husband but I have empathy for your situation. Pain relief is a complicated physiological goal and is individual to a persons own chemistry. I have tried many strains to relieve my chronic back pain over the past 5 years. I have learned that a single strain will not provide long term relief as my body becomes resistant after two or three days of taking a single strain. I have learned that by rotating through 3 or 4 strains they all work better. I have also come to believe (in my body) CBD from hemp sources is worthless with no pain relief at all. Whereas with cannabis derived CBD there is some good relief. I also find it is very beneficial if i get really high at least once a week with a high THC strain. I grow and make all of my own medicine and have a method for making cannabis infused chocolate that is both effective and can be titrated well. I think you will get a lot of help for the grow room and set-up so I will concentrate on the strains that work well for me and would recommend that you try. I think you should start with Short Stuff Auto Amnesia CBD I think these are the same seeds @Dichoti is offering to send you. The plants were easy to grow and the medicine was strong and well balanced at 1:1 1 part THC to 1 part CBD. I sent mine in to be analyzed because the effect was so good I wanted to know what was in it. Here is that lab report:

At the same time You could grow out a Dinamed (Dinafem) Auto CBD This is low in THC an nearly all CBD .4:14 (cannabis derived not hemp).

Then once you have some meds in the cabinet I would consider growing Dinafem Moby Dick CBD. This is a photoperiod plant that will take much longer to grow but it is one of the best pain relief strains I have grown or taken.

Once you have some bud to work with we need to make medicine out of it. IMPE rosin made into chocolate bars is the best for titrating but it is involved and requires you to make rosin. I think that is something to save for later. I think the fastest least expensive path is butter, olive or coconut oil. It will be more difficult to dose because it is not consistent from batch to batch. Can you take some? If you can then you will be able to take a measured amount and judge the strength and amount to give your husband. The method is straight forward. Most recipes call for decarboxylating before making the oil. I find the roasty toasty flavor when done like that objectionable. I decarboxylate after extracting in the oil. Simply grind up the bud - not too fine and soak it in the oil holding the temperature around 150°F for an hour. Stir it often. Strain the oil into a mason jar and place in a pan of cooking oil. Heat the oil to 256°F for 20 minutes then take the butter out and let it cool. Start small. It will take up to 2 hours for the medicine to get into your body so don't be taking more in a half hour thinking it isn't working. You may end up in the corner telling yourself it is just the drugs it is just the drugs! not fun. Cannabis ingested for pain will work for 10 to 12 hours, smoking and vaping will come on in minutes and be gone in an hour or two.

If you smoke or vape for pain relief I find that the initial rush intensifies my pain and I mean a lot. If I am at a 5 and hit the vape my pain my shoots up to an 8 for a few minutes. It is like the THC focuses my attention on the pain. I don't know why but this is consistent. Then all of the sudden I will go oh! that does not hurt anymore.

@Dinafem-Mark may be able to help with some seeds or at least be able to source some for you at a fair price. I will PM the Short Stuff contact here to see if there is anything he can do to help.

@MarshydroTina is a good source for lights and tents and @BigSm0 has good lights as well.

I will sub into this thread and help you in any way I can. This is the best part of our AFN community.
First off I want to thank your husband for his service. I myself suffer with pain every day and have run a gauntlet of strains trying to find the best ones to treat it. The most I can offer you right now as I am starting from the ground up again is my experience with the strains that have worked for me they are not all autoflowers in this case but I know a few have some auto strains. Gorilla Glue#4, Hells OG, Hickok Haze, Golden Goat, Las Vegas Triangle kush, Lucinda Willams and space monkey all helped with pain. I know there is autos of Gorilla Glue and that would be my suggestion as it seems to be the best I've found for pain. I hope everything improves for both you and your husband if there is anything else you think I might be able to help you with don't hesitate to ask.
I really can't thank you all enough for all the info and kind words. I know he used to order from CropKings but I can't fit their prices in my budget atm is there a reliable place to buy them with better prices? It does not have to be in the US as we have ordered most our seeds from overseas but I just don't want to get ripped off and there are sooo many scammers I know he got ripped off on one order from overseas but I can't remember the name of the place for the life of me.