With the low humidity high heat some high sativa dom strains really seem to suffer here for me. I would nearly take a gamble on some indica dominant strains with those humidity levels. It's hard to find the ideal strain for our conditions man! This year I'm going to try and grow 20 different strains to get a better idea of what performs best here. I think it's a lot of trial and error to find what's best for us! What strains did you run last season? What 1 performed best for you? I would recommend S.O.D.K(mephisto) a real star here this year, buds were a little more airy than I would have liked. But the last few weeks she was in bloom temps were pushing 45c with a terrible wind. Fantasmo Express handled the weather the worst and fugue state performance was mediocre but acceptable. As I said before I have a little indica dominant plant that's handling the conditions best of all so far and buds feel firm!
An indica dominant strain may give you the density in your buds your after but I've also had problems with foxtailing in the heat with them. It's going to be hard to find the strain that can produce nice looking buds big plants and tolerant our conditions......like I said man were chasing unicorns :smoking:
Hmmmm maybe long flowering sativas wouldnt perform all that well considering the heat???