DIY grow room help

From the pics it looks like you're above the insulation so subject to outdoor temperatures. If that's the case, I'd suggest building a totally sealed and insulated grow box. An indoor version of what I built outdoors. It's taken awhile to get mine dialed in but since adding a new variable speed fan controller I'm now able to keep my temps within a 4 degree range. Without air conditioning I still can't run it in the summer but am able to grow from Sept. through May before the temps start getting too hot.
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good luck on everything my guy! Hopefully u will b up and running in no time. 1 thing that comes to mind though when i see ur attic is that if u decide to work up there. U will prolly b having to be bent over the WHOLE Entire time that U r up in ur grow space. Keep this in mind when ur lugging shit up there and doing WORK cause bending ALWAYS make the grow HARDER to do.
good point i need to do it though my tents just too much hastle where it sits
I've seen some amazing grows come out of an insulated attic. The guy cut a hole in the ceiling of his closet and vented the air from his room to the cab. That way he could keep it warm in the winter and cool in the summer by taking the climate controlled air from his house. It could be baking in the sun up there and the cab would be a nice mid 70s, whatever the air conditioning was set at. He was in the UK so he used a Ruck four inch temp controlled inline fan. A real set it and forget it grow op.
think ill build a triangle grow the beams are already that shape any way
You can make it a box up to a point, then triangle the ceiling in and use that as your light and fan hanging space. That's what this other guy did. Slanted walls can be a pain in the ass when the girls start getting bigger.

I don't like to link to other sites, but here's the link to this guy's grow. It sounds like just the ticket for you.