Cough, I really appreciate the info mate I really do however, this thread is designed to teach people how to grow 1oz autos in 6in pots using the materials and methods that I use now. My soil works for me and my results are where I want them, I dont like messing with something that works and i really don't want to change it mid lession. There are some things that others are having trouble understanding and if I have massive posts of info on other materials I'm afraid that it will confuse the grower.
At the point I am right now I can start with them in seedling mix and then transfer to current soil mix at sex and never need to use anything to feed them other than teas and pHed water. I just want to make sure that I get this over to every grower that has a question and provide them clear how to step by step action plans. You will see that wiz Is posting in here too, but Wiz uses my method of the amended water and general compo, the base to my soil mix.
Together we are trying to provide a simple step by step, one through ten way to grow autos. This way even the weakest patient, or most novice grower can grow them and knock out the results.