New Grower Grow Journal, 1x Short Rider & 1x Skunk Mass, 1st grow in 4 yrs

Here's the Cheesy auto - started early September
This one is has entered the flowering stage very slowly and has had a wonderful growing one. I think it will be my biggest yield ever. She's still far from complete, so will be feeding her soon.

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And finally, my 2 Short Riders, almost 20 days old. On the last watering I fed them light nutes, but will be increasing on the upcoming ones. One is developing better than the other:

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So, that's all for now. Would appreciate to have some feedback, particularly regarding my doubts.
Good grows!

Hello everyone!

I'm passing by to update my daily photo-report.

Here's the stunted Short Rider, which I mistakenly thought was started in mid-August; She is alive since the 3rd of August, so probably it's right about time? There a very few trichromes left to turn Brown and the small buds seem they won't be developing any bigger - they seem pretty mature now. What do you say? Should I wait a little longer, or should I chop her now? She's small, but has such a strong smell!
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Next up, the little dwarf!! There are a few trichromes starting to turn Brown, but I read somewhere that it's best to wait for the fan leaves to dry off and die, as that may make a big difference in their size and in their effects. Do you think I should start flushing, or should I still feed her?
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The Cheesy is still growing taller, but now she's clearly more focused in growing bud! Despite being the same age as the Little dwarf, she's still way behind. Maybe more 5/6 weeks until harvest, don't you think?

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And here are the 3 friends:

Sooo, anyone care to advise me?

Take care y'all
Can't upload more than 10 pics per post, so here are the 2 baby short riders on their 20th day:

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Nice one TC. I've jussubbed to this thread but can't really give any advice ( I'm a total noob ). Interested to see your progress with the Short Rider looks her time is definitely coming. Keep up the good work.
Wow those look amazing!! Sorry I just found you from your post in my journal...
I have a stubby girl even shorter than your stunted one - maybe 4" tall at the most and already flowering. Probably due to her rough childhood but I'm letting her do her thing.
I'm not much help either as this is my first grow but it appears as though everything is coming along nicely.
I do grow in soil but mine are indoors so I can't say much about the outdoor growing. Hopefully others will see this and chime in but I think you're doing great!!
Thanks a lot from your feedback RML and dcat!!

I'm not a frequent smoker, but yesterday I couldn't resist taking a small sample from the stunted short rider. Quick-dried it and, as I don't enjoy mixing it with tobacco, I rolled a mini-joint. Wasn't used to it, as I didn't smoke anything for a year and a half, but the high hit me right away. Should get a vaporizer.

I'm going to wait until all the trichromes turn Brown to start the drying process. bought a drying net, which I intend to place on a small room with a dehumidifier. Then place them in an air-tight jar for some curing and long-term storage.

Will update some pictures later, I'm lucky as the sky is clean and sun will shine all day long.

Well, take care and have a nice Sunday!!
Hello everyone!!

Hope all your grows are doing great.

Here are a few pics taken of my babies moments ago.

The little dwarf apparently is getting closer. I see a few bottom fan leaves turning yellow. I don't think I'll be feeding her again.



And here's the cheesy, she's filling up:


And the youngsters (short riders)

I think I'll be chopping the stunted short rider anytime now.

Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Take care.
Hello everyone!!

I woke up today to one damaged fan leaf from my little dwarf. From the pictures below, do you believe this is something I should be concerned about?

Here are a few other photos from her. I think she's getting pretty ready.. should I still feed her?

Here's the cheesy:

My young short riders also appear to have small holes in one of their leaves. Could this be genetic or is there a bug feeding from their leaves??

I could really use some advice right now.

Take care.
Hey everybody!
Been off from the fórum for a few days so just dropped by to update the status on my current grows.
But before that, remember that stunted short rider? I was able to confirm what many on this fórum already told: the paper bag method is much better than hang-drying. I purchased a drying net when I placed the order for my nutes. Hanged it in a closet and turned the dehumidifier on. I don't own an hygrometer, but humidity is quite high, but after 3 days of drying they we're already smelling great, while the other still smell like green.. So I have my drying method chosen.
I already purchased some air-tight glass jars also, for curing and storage.

So, here are some photos of the Little Dwarf; I'm giving her a week and a half to 2 weeks to chop her.
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Heres the Cheesy, still filling up:
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I fed all of them (including the 2 young short riders featured in the next post) last sunday. I've been feeding them once every week with 1.5 litres. Some of the bottom fan leaves of the Cheesy turned yellow, but I think that was lack of nutrientes, beacause I've been unable to feed them for 2 weeks or so (it was raining all the time and the soil never dried enough between showers to allow me watering them). Anyway, I think normality is re-established.