New Grower Grow Journal, 1x Short Rider & 1x Skunk Mass, 1st grow in 4 yrs

Aug 10, 2015
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Hello everyone!!

Though I'm typing with a new registered user, I've shared my first experience here nearly 4 years ago. Meanwhile, I wasn't able to recover my old username (@tronikculture), but I will place my previous journal in my signature.

I grew for the first time in 2011 and was, at that time, living in a 11 floor flat. I grew mostly with sunlight and in my balcony (had lots of light all day long). Now, I have a bit more space and I will be growing mainly outdoors, using a bit pot.

I started a Short Rider from seed on the 2nd of August (day 0).
Below you can see her on the 4th:


I'm still waiting for some nutes that I ordered. In the same package, I'll be expecting a pH tester (those where you place a sample and analyse its colour to determine the pH level). Meanwhile, I made my mind and will be ordering a more accurate one - maybe a probe? any suggestions would be welcome here.
So, for the time being, I haven't been able to determine the pH level of the water, neither of the water+soil. I will assume that it's far from ideal, as some leaves are turning a bit yellow.

I made another mistake: for her first days, I left her on a warm place outdoor, under the shade. Result: She stretched a lot.
After I noticed this, I moved her indoors and got a LED bulb (1500 lumens), with a neutral colour spectrum, for her fews days, along with a fan for ventilation.
So, this is what I have now:

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I believe that in a couple of days she will be ok to have sunlight, don't you? My plan is to give her sunlight and keep her for a few more hours under my LED light during the night. When I transplant her into a bigger container, then I will have to leave her outsider permanently.

Meanwhile, I encountered a problem with the Skunk Mass. She sprouted fine, although the first seed didn't - thrown away.


Then I placed her in the soil, but she couldn't detach from the seed cover and seems dried out. I've been reading about it, and apparently I should've placed her a bit deeper in the soil, in order to have the moisture from the soil helping her out. I now have this situation, and sadly I'm not sure if she will get through:

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I've been sprinkling water on her every once in a while. I read that moisture will give her good chances to break-through. I also read that this will be a slow-down to its growth.

I forgot to mention that right now I have sunshine from around 9 AM until 8PM, and humidity is normally around 70-80% during this time of the year, with temperatures of 25-28º C(elsius).
The climate is sub-tropical, so I believe I have great conditions.

Maybe in the future I'll take indoors growing seriously.. I'll leave it to the winter.

So, any feedback will be more than welcome, as usual, and I will keep you all posted.


Here's my first grow journal
Control Wizard Accurate pH8 Soil pH and Moisture Meter is the recommended soil pH probe. Easy to use, just wipe it off with the included pad. I paid $56 including tax from Amazon.
Ecotestr pH meter is recommended for testing water. I paid $54 including tax from Amazon.
It appears Amazon does not sell them at this time, third party sellers only.
I have two Walter Whites at 19 days old. One had the seed cover attached when she sprouted. It came off with some help from me. It is 2 inches high with tiny leaves and is just now putting out its third set of leaves. The other one without any problems is 8 inches high and on its 6th set of leaves.
I live in the southeast USA and the deer are so numerous around here I prefer to grow inside year round. Plus with central air conditioning the humidity is not a problem. (67% outside humidity and 44% inside humidity right now).
The problem with high humidity is when the bids get dense you run the risk of bud rot.
A good site with good info:
Control Growing Environment: In the vegetative stage, cannabis plants tend to be able to thrive in many environments. In the flowering stage, plants start being a little more picky about the environment. What helps a lot with bud development is to control the temperature and humidity of the grow area. Most importantly, avoid too-hot temps! Too much heat can burn off terpenes, which reduces the taste/smell of your buds permanently. There’s also some evidence that too-high temps can actually burn off potency too. In the flowering stage, strive for temps that range from 65-80°F (18-26°C). It’s better to have slightly cooler temps at night than during the day, as long as the temperature stays in that range. Keep low humidity if you can because low humidity in the flowering stage reduces the chance of mold and increases trichome development.

And welcome.
Dear growers!

It's been a long time since my last post and I'm sorry for that.
I managed to find some time to update you on my grows!

The short rider never really boosted. Beside the big stretch she suffered, I think I left her in the small starting pot longer than I should've. Also, the soil wasn't rich, as I didn't want to stunt her with a richer substrate - wrong!
Currently, as soon as the seed sprouts, I burry her in the final pot, so she will remain there until the end. I believe that by avoiding transplantation I'm saving her from any stress it may cause, therefore she won't retract from growing. I'm also using Compo Sana Universal Substrate, which already brings perlite. I then mix it with húmus (bought from the store) and a bit of sand (saw it somewhere, but probably it's unnecessary, right?) Until now, the two seeds that I started seem to like it.

I waited for 2/3 weeks before introducing nutrientes. I'm using the following from BioBizz:
BioGrow, BioBloom, TopMax & FishMix.
I'm not being accurate at all with the measurements, as I can't read/interpretate them from the pipette.
Haven't measured the pH for a while now. I know I should've, but they seem to be growing so fine that I didn't bother.
They only get light from the sun, no other sources. I'm in the North hemisphere, so now the sun rises around 07h40 and sets around 20h..

Below you can see some pictures from the Little Dwarf:
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And from here there's a Cheesy auto (Philosopher seeds) that was offered along with my shipping:
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And lastly, here the short rider, the reason that I started this post..

Anyway, as short rider was my very first grow experience, I started to others on the weekend and will be updating soon.
Hope you enjoy this and comments and hints are always welcome.

Good grows everybody!
Hello again people!!

Just passed by to upload some photos of my beautiful plants.

Little Dwarf
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Cheesy Auto
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Short Rider
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Short Riders (the sprouts were potted on tthe 4th, wich makes them 3 days old - I count the day if potting as day 0). I hope they develop well, but I know forehand that they won't grow very big, as I'm in the North hemisphere and now the days are getting shorter. Maybe in December or so I'll try a 100% indoor grow.
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I can't get why the photos are uploaded with a wrong orientation....

Well, any feedback would be great.

Take care!
Hello everybody!

I'm a bit sad that my thread hasn't been getting much attention, but anyway I feel I want to share some inspiring pictures with you.

So, here's the Little Dwarf:
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and here's the Cheesy auto, she's getting quite big!
Note that these 2 (Little Dwarf and Cheesy) have the very same age.
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Remember the Short rider that started this thread? Although she didn't grow big due to negligence from me, she recovered a little. I think her time is coming soon, so I'll probably start flushing het.

And finally, 2 short rider to make up for the other little one I've listed before and to honour my first grow.
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Please, some feedback and thought would be great..

Take care everyone.
They are looking Great buddy. I don't know much about soil growing.
As far as the attention. If you keep posting they will come.
Hello everyone!!

I'm just dropping by to update the status of my grows.

The Little Dwarf is filling up very nicely, as the description suggests, looks like a small bush. Didn't grow much in height, but has grown very wide. Looks like a decent yield for a plant that has only known sunlight and only one watering per week. Here are some photos:
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And here's the Cheesy auto, growing veeeery tall! Didn't expect her to grow so much in height!
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I should also say that all of them took benefit from a few rainy days that we've had in this subtropical climate! I feared that humidity would be a problem, but until now everything seems ok.
I also have an old stunted short rider and I think her time is very near, but it would be great to have some feedback from someone. Should I leaver for a few more days and flush it two times? (last time she had nutes was Tuesday, but from Thursday until yesterday she had plenty of rain).
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And here are the young short riders, they're doing well (well, not so well as some in artifial lightning that I see around here, but given their conditions it is satisfatory). The first one has developed faster from sprouting, so I think she will always be ahead of the second one.

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So, any thought and suggestions are welcome, as usual. Also, If you see/think that I'm doing something wrong, or even everything wrong, your words will be very valuable to me.

Take care everyone.
Dear growers,

It's been raining a lot these days, and I haven't been able to feed my plants properly. I'll wait for a few days, let the soil dry up a little and then feed them.
I'm starting to have doubts about when to start watering plain water only.
Here's an updated fresh photo report from today.

Short Rider - started mid-August
So, here's the eldest from the group, and the tiniest actually. No big buds or anything, but the smell is very strong! I think this one won't have any more feedings, only plain water. What do you all think? Her time is coming or what?

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Here's the Little Dwarf! started early September
flowering is still going on, as I can see from the ramifications. The main stalk seems pretty filled up and there are some trichromes turning Brown, but I think she can still handle a couple of feedings, right?

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