New Grower Groundcovers, and the benefits they can provide.

Okay guys I have done a bit of reading. I wanted to see what other goodies I could get out of my rabbit. So far I have just be composting his bedding. I got the idea of using is as part of my "dead cover", and took to reading about rabbit urine. Apparently their urine is high in the big P. I was reading on a bunny forum, and a few gardeners where using their bedding in the veggie garden and reported their plant needing less ferts. I also read a few post about basically making a tea with 20% urine. For the last 2 weeks I have just been spreading it in the veggie plot.

I have a handful of pots that will be getting fresh covers here soon. I may just try in on one to see how it goes. I'll add some updates here when I get to use it.

I have also thought about just dropping a handful in a tea batch. I would most likely just add it the last few hours. I'm not a huge fan of shit n piss just floating around my teas for days on end.

Any ideas on this? Oh I already use the poop pellets.
Okay guys I have done a bit of reading. I wanted to see what other goodies I could get out of my rabbit.

I was going to offer you some really tasty recipes but then finished reading your post....

A word of extreme caution using Marigold as a companion plant. Marigold plants (or at least some varieties) can smell an awful lot like flowering Cannabis. I spent ages checking out other peoples plots at the place where I have an allotment. There are about 150 plots there. I was convinced somebody was growing weed and was determined to see how they'd managed to pull off a grow with so many nosey neighbours - we're always swapping plants and surplice crops etc. I only figured it out after someone had recommended planting Marigold between my carrots and parsnips as the plant acts as a natural deterrent for carrot root fly.

So a great idea unless of course you are trying to pull off a stealth grow where it's illegal like here. Of course you could try offering some to your neighbours and then maybe they won't notice the smell of your own grow as much. Just thought I'd give you a heads-up on that one.