Dutch Passion Groff Labs: AutoXtreme - GN LEDs - Airpots - Canna Coco vs Biobizz vs CocoBizz

nice colors & soon to be cola's Groff :five:
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Thanks bro :smokebuds: If I get half the fatness of your cola's I'm having an orgasm! :drool: Ys, those are indeed panty's. Girls like looking sexy! I discuss it better over here -> https://www.autoflower.org/f28/airpot-bastardization-project-20019.html

Hey Si... I did put it up! Check the first part of my pic update, its all there. Basically 2ml of Root Juice, Bio Grow and 1ml Fish Mix... I didn't add bioheaven this time as I am running out, so have to phase it and prioritize for the coco

Yeah, still using root juice. I'm a firm believer of keeping humic and fulvic acids all through. Also seaweed is a notorious infusion people use in tea's to add vigor to the plant. Plus, its a brilliant pH 5.5 buffer. Since I can't add acid to correct for the AX-CocoBizz, this is like a cherry on top. How could I not use it :twist:

Speaking of pH, woopdy-f*cking doo! My pen's probe just went off to la-la land. :finger:

Biogrow is 8-2-6 and is mainly sugars. Fish-Mix is 6-2-4 and is a microbial life stimulant and growth booster, so you get the chance to play a little with feeds depending on your pheno's. I've read accounts Fish Mix is a tad bit stronger than Biogrow. You absolutely can use them together, did it to add a little something extra for the young flowers without "coverting" to a flowering-stage-oriented-mix. I use both to get a bit of the "best of both worlds", so to speak, but also because I need Fish Mix in my coco. In soil, microbial life develops fine without much effort, hence the basic biobizz starter-pack not having Fish Mix, as Biogrow has lots of N too so great for veg, and sweetens the bud later on. Better "all-rounder". Obviously Fish Mix is good on soil, but a must-have for coco.

Back to soil though, Biobizz suggested Fish Mix is more suitable for veg and Biogrow better in bloom, which makes perfect sense. So as they're only 10 days apart from my AutoMazars, I did one big feeding fest for all. One of the benefits of organics is less overfeeding hazards and no real need to go down the ml dosing (but I do anyway) like on mineral based feeds, and you can't really push the plants too much, the margin for excess is bigger... maybe in coco, but that's not the plan here. Just letting them ride and compare results.

On a final note, I'd like to :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Biobizz. I asked them exactly what you asked me as I got kind of confused, and this is what they answered


No problem man, I think you are going to have some high quality bud on those girls also I thank Dutch Passion and 500,000 lumens for my large buds haha. I might have to try the pantyhose thing but I will put them around my 1 and 3 gallon regular plastic pots to keep soil from falling out of the holes in the bottom and for that idea I thank you... :smokebuds:
if it works for you keep at it..Great to here bio bizz gave you some info mabe they should update there feed charts and info within their site lol.. Its great to see some one else trying different ways of using the bio bizz products i have tried alot of different combinations myself and found that with bio bizz 3ml is plenty enough for my girls within most of the range and have never seen any increase in growth or bud production by hammering the dose's.Bio Bizz is a very simple organic nute and does what it says on the tin if you get me.I could add in aload of other supplements but i get good enough results staying simple. I must state i have never used coco or root juice either so im loving tagging along with your grow. :smokebuds:
Loving this grow man... but then i am Fish Mix daft, i love the stuff as do the plants only problem is the room smells like a fish market for a couple of hours after feeding!!! Keep up the good work Professor :gthumb:
Thanks buddies, for 'yer kind words!

Today I fed the AX-Coco at EC 1.55, plus 1ml/L carboload. I noticed that immediately after I gave the Biobizz girls some Fish-Mix and Biogrow, that quite some frost started to form of the leaves. The bud sites are still quite little and I haven't seen any of the other strains I raised form resin so soon. But then again, never have I fed sugars before full bloom as I have only been using mineral feeds before. So something to ponder on for future grows...

The one being fed with canna coco nutes is not so much covered, just ever so liiiiiitle... So it makes me conclude its mainly a genetic trait. So I gave the Ax-Coco some carboload to sweeten her tooth and see if I can prep up some fatness juice before pk boost :dance2:

They are still stretching and already higher than any of the AutoMazars near harvest!! They all look very similar to each other, virtually the same height and structure. Haven't taken height measurements in a while, and also hope to post pictures soon enough.
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Update, finally!! Sorry, folk, for all the waiting, busy days! Anyway, where were we... ahh.. Day 76 !!

Yep, they are sativa's all right! AX-Biobizz takes more to the indica side than her siblings, but still a massive plant. They've stopped stretching and are in full bud packing mode. Here is a quick run-down.

AX-Coco: EC 2.3 pH 6.0-6.3 + 3ml carboload now...

AX-CocoBizz: 2ml root juice, 1ml Bioheaven (-1ml/L... running out!!), 3ml of Grow, Bloom, Topmax, Algamic. Checked with the pH meter, this puts it at 5.8 like magic.

AX-Biobizz: same as cocobizz, except no bioheven.

AX-Coco... pk boot at day 67. Up to that I've just keep up'ing and up'ing and up'ing the EC... no sign of trouble at all. How much can she take? Got to the pk boost with EC of 2.1 !! then right after the pk week, again increased and is now at EC 2.3 and rising!


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Ahh!! Finally managed to figure out how to take pictures inside the tent... with the LED's on! Love the pink pictures, but this is way better !! View attachment 240901 View attachment 240891View attachment 240892

AX-CocoBizz... my pride and joy! Biobizz will love this grow for sure!

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AX-Biobizz ...

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So it seems that this will be right about done in about 2 or 3 weeks!
Looking good groff got some pretty ladies there coco is def the way to go:buds:
Looking good groff got some pretty ladies there coco is def the way to go:buds:

Hey Steve O! whats up? Hold this one sec... :smokebuds:

Yeah, love da coco maaahn! :D Reaching the final stages, buds are fattening, sativa branches are starting to complain of too much weight... I didn't use silica this time round, so here's a tip for future AutoX grows.

Biobizz surely is proving to be top notch for coco! What I'm not happy at all is All Mix + airpots. :face: I spend waaaay more time properly watering 1 plant without making a mess, than I do mixing, ec and ph correcting and watering all the coco plants. On the other hand, Biobizz in coco is starting to look like fantastic, hassle free, pH EC free, environmentally friendly combination!!

Day 79

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Temperature peaked at 40C today, summer hit hard these past week. RH went down to a mean 35% which is welcome at this stage

AX-CocoBizz & AX-Biobizz

Root Juice - 2ml/L
Bioheaven - 1ml/L (coco only)
Biogrow - 3ml/L
BioBloom - 3ml/L
Algamic - 4ml/L
TopMax - 4ml/L


Canna A&B - 3.1 ml/L
Rhizotonic - 2ml/L
Cannazym - 2ml/L
Carboload - 4ml/L
EC - 2.4 (... and rising! seriously... this is insane!!)
pH - 5.7 (wanted 6.0, but dropped a bit too much pH-, so I'll roll with this and swing the pH)
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I am happy with the BioBizz products as well. I have not tried the Biofish though, just the biogrow and biobloom. So far so good. I am going into the 7th week not on my FruitSpirit strain under my Fero Bulldog 6 spot and she is looking amazing! The buds are rock hard. These last 2 weeks I am giving her some gerneral organics Rippen. They say it will make the nuggs swell up more! really happy so far! What is your LED you are using?
Hey Steve O! whats up? Hold this one sec... :smokebuds:

Yeah, love da coco maaahn! :D Reaching the final stages, buds are fattening, sativa branches are starting to complain of too much weight... I didn't use silica this time round, so here's a tip for future AutoX grows.

Biobizz surely is proving to be top notch for coco! What I'm not happy at all is All Mix + airpots. :face: I spend waaaay more time properly watering 1 plant without making a mess, than I do mixing, ec and ph correcting and watering all the coco plants. On the other hand, Biobizz in coco is starting to look like fantastic, hassle free, pH EC free, environmentally friendly combination!!

Day 79

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Temperature peaked at 40C today, summer hit hard these past week. RH went down to a mean 35% which is welcome at this stage

AX-CocoBizz & AX-Biobizz

Root Juice - 2ml/L
Bioheaven - 1ml/L (coco only)
Biogrow - 3ml/L
BioBloom - 3ml/L
Algamic - 4ml/L
TopMax - 4ml/L


Canna A&B - 3.1 ml/L
Rhizotonic - 2ml/L
Cannazym - 2ml/L
Carboload - 4ml/L
EC - 2.4 (... and rising! seriously... this is insane!!)
pH - 5.7 (wanted 6.0, but dropped a bit too much pH-, so I'll roll with this and swing the pH)