Dutch Passion Groff Labs: AutoXtreme - GN LEDs - Airpots - Canna Coco vs Biobizz vs CocoBizz

No problem on the pH side! Root Juice and Bioheaven bring my tap water from pH 7 down to... wait foooor it.... bang! 5.7 :shrug:


Same feed as before, next watering will need to introduce food to AX-CocoBizz, don't know if I should go Formulex or straight to Biogrow...



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Day 31 Update at last!

Been extremely busy. Had a total grow room rework, fired up my 1,2 x 1,2 x 2m tent back up again to accommodate for a new "toy" that should be in the mail soon enough... :toke:

Nothing major to report, except I now understand people better when using airpots. What a DRAG to use with All Mix... ug! squirt central, and multiple channels drain water too quick. I really have to go sloooooooooooooooow to get the medium even moist.

AX-Biobizz in the lead with 46cm high, then AX-CocoBizz with 26 and last AX-Coco with 20cm. But truth be told, AX-Coco was getting ALOT less light in the other tent. I just didn't have enough coverage. I also underfed her, she was turning a but pale, so I upped the EC to 0.9 with an sprinkle of Sensi Cal Mag Veg which has 4-0-0 npk. In just two days her color came back up nicely. In her new home I'm sure she will kick in turbo mode soon

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AX-Coco, Canna A&B, Rhizo, Cannazym, Sensi Cal MAg Veg just 2 feeds View attachment 222118 View attachment 222119

AX-Biobizz, Root Juice and Bioheaven 2ml/L View attachment 222122

AX-CocoBizz, Root Juice, Bioheaven and FishMix 2ml/L View attachment 222120View attachment 222121

My camera overexposes, they're not pale at all. Nice healthy green all over!
Also, Fish Mix... damn that thing is NASTY !! Now I finally get what other people say... and I thought Rhizotonic stunk... jeez... Fish Mix, whatever it touches impregnates it with its stentch forever. Fantastic stuff though, but a terror to use indoors. Seriously, if you're clumsy, stay away from this stuff :amazon:
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Day 46

Today they got the same feed as my AutoMazar's. Root Juice 2ml/L, Biogrow 2ml/L, Fish Mix 1ml/L. Found a new way to water the airpots :bow: I am now back to smiling and feeling lovey-lovey as I tend to them :hug:

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Just let them sit in the mix for 5 minutes, using the siphon pump flood the heck out of them, then let it drip away before popping them back in the tent :toke:

I am amazed with the AX-CocoBizz... its the more vigorous of the 3. But all are doing just great! The cotyledons are still nice and green!

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Nice man. Those are really healthy plants, they are loving what ever you are doing for them. Are those some sort of nets around the airpot's or pantyhose? Giving you some +rep for the nice healthy girls:slap:
looking good in your hands groff, then again all our varieties look good in your hands!
Day 46

Today they got the same feed as my AutoMazar's. Root Juice 2ml/L, Biogrow 2ml/L, Fish Mix 1ml/L. Found a new way to water the airpots :bow: I am now back to smiling and feeling lovey-lovey as I tend to them :hug:

First of all great thread realy like it being a bio bizz addict:D
First of all can you put up what exact bio bizz nutes there on:thumbs: Are you using the fish mix and the grow together in the same feed? and are you still using the root juice at this age?
I was sure root juice was only for the first week and the fish mix and grow shouldnt be mixed unless you alternate the both of them ie: fish mix feed then next feed would be grow and so on:2cents: i only want to better myself so if theres something new and it works im in :key::key:
Nice man. Those are really healthy plants, they are loving what ever you are doing for them. Are those some sort of nets around the airpot's or pantyhose? Giving you some +rep for the nice healthy girls:slap:

Thanks bro :smokebuds: If I get half the fatness of your cola's I'm having an orgasm! :drool: Ys, those are indeed panty's. Girls like looking sexy! I discuss it better over here -> https://www.autoflower.org/f28/airpot-bastardization-project-20019.html

First of all great thread realy like it being a bio bizz addict:D
First of all can you put up what exact bio bizz nutes there on:thumbs: Are you using the fish mix and the grow together in the same feed? and are you still using the root juice at this age?
I was sure root juice was only for the first week and the fish mix and grow shouldnt be mixed unless you alternate the both of them ie: fish mix feed then next feed would be grow and so on:2cents: i only want to better myself so if theres something new and it works im in :key::key:

Hey Si... I did put it up! Check the first part of my pic update, its all there. Basically 2ml of Root Juice, Bio Grow and 1ml Fish Mix... I didn't add bioheaven this time as I am running out, so have to phase it and prioritize for the coco

Yeah, still using root juice. I'm a firm believer of keeping humic and fulvic acids all through. Also seaweed is a notorious infusion people use in tea's to add vigor to the plant. Plus, its a brilliant pH 5.5 buffer. Since I can't add acid to correct for the AX-CocoBizz, this is like a cherry on top. How could I not use it :twist:

Speaking of pH, woopdy-f*cking doo! My pen's probe just went off to la-la land. :finger:

Biogrow is 8-2-6 and is mainly sugars. Fish-Mix is 6-2-4 and is a microbial life stimulant and growth booster, so you get the chance to play a little with feeds depending on your pheno's. I've read accounts Fish Mix is a tad bit stronger than Biogrow. You absolutely can use them together, did it to add a little something extra for the young flowers without "coverting" to a flowering-stage-oriented-mix. I use both to get a bit of the "best of both worlds", so to speak, but also because I need Fish Mix in my coco. In soil, microbial life develops fine without much effort, hence the basic biobizz starter-pack not having Fish Mix, as Biogrow has lots of N too so great for veg, and sweetens the bud later on. Better "all-rounder". Obviously Fish Mix is good on soil, but a must-have for coco.

Back to soil though, Biobizz suggested Fish Mix is more suitable for veg and Biogrow better in bloom, which makes perfect sense. So as they're only 10 days apart from my AutoMazars, I did one big feeding fest for all. One of the benefits of organics is less overfeeding hazards and no real need to go down the ml dosing (but I do anyway) like on mineral based feeds, and you can't really push the plants too much, the margin for excess is bigger... maybe in coco, but that's not the plan here. Just letting them ride and compare results.

On a final note, I'd like to :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Biobizz. I asked them exactly what you asked me as I got kind of confused, and this is what they answered

As for the Root-juice question: use it as long as you like. Since we have the products for free here to use them as we see fit, we use Root-Juice all the way as well. But besides being a commercial company, we like to give economic advise as well, besides, you need less root stimulation on soil. To advise you right in the middle: use Root-Juice at least until the second week of flowering if you want to try it out. After that, you can still go on, but you can also save a few bucks.

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